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There will be severe civil unrest in Nigeria after the 2015 election. I see that escalating into civil war.

Message: There will be severe civil unrest in Nigeria after the 2015 election. I saw that escalating into civil war.

Counsel: We hope that the prayers of the Saints will calm the anger and wrath of God. It's wise to reduce your stock or property so that your inventory will be reduced to a manageable size and therefore minimize your loss. Satan is determined to destroy Nigeria using Nigerians. Be prepared to relocate, move, suffer for long time. Be ready to go on a long journey to freedom, liberty, and justice. God's justice is about to be unleashed; should God still wish to allow the violence to occur. African continent will suffer greatly if you fail to seek God's intervention. Change your money to international currency and put it in any international bank in Nigeria so that you can withdraw it wherever you find yourself should the conflict escalate. Prepare for the worst. Above all, pray for Nigeria. Only prayers can save Nigeria now. Pray for yourself and Nigeria like you have never prayed before. The Lord had spoken! Heed His warning!