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To God be all the Glory, Praise Him, for His Love Endures Forever

To God be all the Glory, Praise Him, for His Love Endures Forever


To God be all the glory, praise Him, for His love endures forever!

Let every mouth praise God, let animals, and plants praise Him

The sun, moon, planets, earth and all that is in them, praise the living God

All who is wealthy, mighty, poor, weak, male, and female praise the Almighty King

My mouth will sing praises to you my Lord, I will worship you all the days of my life

You are indeed the God of wars, great and mighty in battle, the creator of warriors

You indeed made the hands that forged all weapons of wars; who made the materials but God?

When our God speaks, His words become alive, His words come into existence[1]

Who can stop our God, what can stop His words from finishing what it is sent out to do?

With His words He created heaven and earth, with His words he created the lights

Day and night, He separated by His words, He made the land and water and separated them

Through the words of His mouth, plants and animals were created and all things that is

Our God is the true and living God and not like anything with mouth but cannot speak

Yahweh is nothing like such things with legs but cannot walk; with ears but cannot hear

Unlike all other things with hands but cannot touch, Jehovah feels your wounds and pains


His hand is tender and loving, He is caring and everywhere, His legs steps across the nations

All you who love and fear the Lord, call on him and he will answer you, all who are oppressed

At the time of my need, he came to me with divine providence, he tended to my wounds and healed me

When my eyes saw the plagues coming to my people, I warned them, but they would not listen[2]

Let his children go, so that they can worship their Lord in truth and spirit, repent and be saved!

No one listened, instead they persecuted the son of the Living God, his servant they prosecuted![3]

Change your ways, build walls around your nation, build your own industries and provide for each other

Who are you to tell us what to do, they said, who is Lord to speak to us like that, why you and not me?

The messenger of God looked for work to do to feed himself and the church, they said, we will not give you any job

We saw the words of hate from your mouth on our platform, he was punished for the words of God

They shot down the messenger for delivering the message of one and only true God, none listened

They said, who are you that the Lord will speak to you, we also hear from the Lord, he didn’t send you

And he spoke no such things as you spew from your mouth, we are free to say or do whatever, they said

The Lord is not like you, nothing like what your message depict, but of old dispensation, we are of new

Get away from us, you false prophet of doom, we will not listen to anything you have to say or do for us


The Man-of-God from America build his own business according to the command of the Lord

By the guidance of Holy Spirit, he built platforms of his own to promote the qualities the Lord wants

That the people of this land will see and know that he has done his part and mean what the Lord said

He designed products to be made in this land, but no one will build it because his works are not wanted

He went oversea and built the samples and brought into this land to be built but was rejected again

Having seen what is to come, having been rejected, he applied for loan to make things for America and world

Though his score was good, he was denied, they said, he has no credit card, no history of paid debts

Unless he has a false life, living in debt, above his means, instead of conservative and prudent living

Life according to his faith, has been ground for discriminating against the Prophet of the Living God

A servant of the people trying to save his people has no man to turn to, like everything else in this world

If you are not like the world, the world has no place for you, you suffer in pain partaking in life on earth

Then, last year, God made a way to make things abroad, medical supplies, ahead of this sickening season

Things that were beautifully made, what we can call our own, being prepared for offering to our people

Everyone contacted received him well, makers and builders were excited, suddenly, they turned cold

Excitement turns to silence, everywhere he turns to, no one will answer him or work with him


Google like others suddenly built walls around its platform, blocked from their search engine platform

These companies refused to work with him, agents who discriminate against the servant of God

Although it is public and controlled by few people who now dictate and manipulate our lives

They Pick who succeeds and who fails in life on earth, it is no more an open and free market as has been

Market place where everyone is equal and free to live or trade or work and skill is common denominator

Our survival is contingent upon our speech or expression or conduct being acceptable by controllers

Children of God complained and complained but no government defends them, my Lord and my friend

I saw controllers on machines routing and walling off those who are not like them or disagree with them

People of faith has no chance on their own, as they have been corrupted to throw in their trowel; cannot build

With all that has taken place in the past four years, I saw plan to rig our election, as was planned in 2016

I said to the Lord, how many Christians go through what I go through, how much longer will you watch?

If you be silent and wait till your return, if so much did not listen to the warnings and signs, what of me?

What do I do with the words you put in my mouth, the words you have written in the Scriptures?

You are not a man that you will lie, will you make your words lies[4], when you prayed for your children[5]


You said that even though we are not of this world, but you will not remove us from this world

You asked our Father in heaven to protect us in this world as we pass through it to eternity

How then can we live to fulfill your plans and purpose if we are cut off from living in this world?

Your children are cut off from employment, denied jobs and opportunity because of their faith

The wicked and evil ones have found ways, using the blessing you have fairly distributed to all,

Both righteous and unrighteous you have blessed in your goodness and love but they use it unfairly

The wicked and evil ones use your gifts against your beloved servants and children and you keep silent

Did you not say that you have all prisoners freed[6] and by free-will we shall seek and worship God[7]

In truth and spirit we shall come to seek God, for those are the only ones God seeks, see the lies my Lord

Did you not say that all liars belong to Satan who is the father of all liars, hear the people of the earth[8]

You are God the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit, please my Lord, speak that the world will hear you and obey[9]

They have ignored me, those who listen to your servant, they vilify and persecute, fighting against you

Come to the defense of your servants, save your children from those who persecute and kill them

I will sing praise unto you before the congregation, before the throng of people I will worship you

Let all who love and fear the Lord praise the living God, let all worship Jehovah, his love has no end[10]


Praise be to you the One and Only Living God as you have spoken, and risen in defense of your children

You came to our rescue and have answered our prayers, oh Mighty King of kings and LORD of Lords

The kings of the earth make wars and plunder the wealth of the earth, they rout the people in their land

Without conscience the corrupt soldiers of this world uproot your children from their land; looting their treasures

Oh Great and Mighty King, hallowed be your name, every king must kneel and their tongue shall confess

That you are indeed the One and Only True King, who made all kings and lords what they are but none is without you

The kings and lords of wars prepare for wars, build weapons and send soldiers to fight and shed innocent blood[11]

When you came to our defense, you made no announcement, with ambush, you terrorized all the earth

Without any gunshot, no bomb and shelling, without a sound the towns and cities stood still in fear of invisible armies

Not even a single weapon was used but those who were at war ceased fire and silence filled graveyards

Blood was shed but no wounds found on the bodies that are hauled to mass graves around the world

The soldiers of this wicked world fight each other, they marked their enemies and know where they are, some in your name

My Lord and his soldiers they cannot see nor find before they strike, from cities to their united nations

Who knows where the Lord is, where the Angels and soldiers are, when and where they will strike; only God knows?

Only to those who are holy and righteous the Lord trust and confides, in them his secrets and wisdom rests


The ones who are holy and righteous are those the Lord delegates with his powers and authorities; in who he lives[12]

To many he sends on errands and many he uses for his own glory but his Angels and Soldiers he sends to wars[13]

His Soldiers of Jesus and His Angels makes the greatest and mighty entry into the theaters of holy war

The LORD is mighty in battle and His warriors fight with great powers and bring vengeance upon the wicked and evil ones

He always warns the people and makes His plans known to His servants and warriors, those that listen, He will save[14]

The Lord will save those he will save but those he will perish, he will perish, listen and you will be saved[15][16]

Let the holy and righteous caught in battle rejoice in the Lord, same as when you receive His blessings[17]

What good is the world that rejoice in violence and culture of death, is it not better dead in Christ than alive but dead?

They celebrate and say kill the unborn but cry when the elderly dies suddenly of the work of their own hands

The same hands that sucked the baby out of the wombs, killed the innocent, and made the weapons of war

Those who deny employment to God’s children due to their faith and beliefs complain about unemployment

Those who denied opportunity to people of faith to become creator with God’s gift and help on earth

Now complain about the stay at home order and lack of opportunity to continue to live their dreams

You build your algorithms and walls of prison around our people and now complain about walls around your world

You have built yourself a utopian world, where you play gods and kings, you pick winners and losers, but God made you!


Tell us now who the King is, if you are so powerful tell us when to go back to work and where to work, the Lord listens!

You take our jobs and stand against us claiming that you are everywhere, tell us where your followers will work

You ban us from making and selling our own products, wage war against our people, where will you sell yours

Our farmers have their produce in waste due to your wickedness now you must buy their produce to stay alive

Those close to nature and nurture shall flourish and let them praise the just and fair God of gods who saved them

You did not like the nations God had established and seized tribes and towns God had established to make yours

You built your own towns, cities and countries against God’s but they will never be a nation established by God

The nations God founded love and fear God and live according to God’s laws of nature and nurture

As God has shown His power now, show yours and be certain it will stand the test of time and pressure

Those who said the world is borderless and the nations are united in their power, where is your power?

They are hiding in their homes and closed all their borders, they fear the air my LORD freely gave them

Mankind forgot that God controls the air that goes in their lungs and life they have belong to Jehovah

On mankind get in your private jets and commercial planes and cross the oceans to nations you possess

Make your movies that mock God and show it in your theaters to corrupt the world and children God loves

You like to walk around naked and seduce the innocent, and teach them your sexual exploits, go on now!


Take your clothes off now and walk around in your malls, bars, restaurants, exotic cuisines, and cities

As you are home, have sex with one of your own sex, nine months from now, dedicate your child from such act

Climb the poles of your stripe clubs and slide down displaying your bodies for orgies at night with the devil

Get on your cruise lines and go across the worlds and show the god of the seas how much souls you won

Plunge into your pleasures and satisfy every desire of your flesh now, after all it is one life, why fear death?

Oh god of war, you Satan, you like wars and violence, why are your people afraid of violence and wars now?

You know who the true God is but deceive many that you have power of life and death, raise the dead!

Slave traders and human traffickers, where are your bodies around the globe, find your ways to the airlines!

Let those in power who ignore the will of the people who sent them say with certainty what the next glory is

Let those who prayed for depression give us their perfect and exact plan to restore us to the boom we had

Those who claim that economy is the key to win or bad economy will remove Trump speak with surety of winning

Nations of the world fight over which political party wins and forget their people, rule well in this famine

Tell your people that famine, no job, pain and suffering knows what political party you belong and will skip you

Those that rob the house of the LORD and enslave His children in hate or false doctrines and teachings, speak

Get in your private jets and fly around the world to check on your business centers, and tax collectors


Dress up in your expensive suits, gowns and regalia and boast to the poor how rich and well you are

Get in one private jet to another as you make your way from cities to nations, you hypocrites in God’s houses

All of you worldly, in your own minds and thoughts freely did all these evils and God’s children did not stop you

God who still loves you never stopped you, even as you mocked Him and suffer His children in your greed

As Jehovah had warned in previous prophecy, as Jesus Christ drove godless people out of the Synagogue[18]

So you have been driven out of the Churches, back to your homes, where you shall repent or go to hell at the end

Some of you are arguing among yourselves, asking, what is this? Jesus Christ never punished people in real time

It is no longer the Old Testament, some said, they have forgotten that Judas[19] and Pontius Pilate committed suicide

Is Old Testament not made New, fulfilled by Jesus who never changed the Old, for not a word of the Old will be left out[20]

The new creation that you claim is the same old person you are in your remaining in the sinful nature, disobedient is one

Though you know the right and wrong but chose to do wrong, you ignore the words of God instructing you on what to do[21]

Also, habitual omission to do right or speak out or silence to sinful and evil words or deeds; no confession can cure such,[22]

Repeated intentional or willful sins cannot be covered by grace and no one can forgive sin but God, who is Love[23]

Most have refused to repent, accept Jesus Christ to become new creation in the dispensation of grace through Jesus

So many of you, although you claim to be of New Testament are still of Old and therefore still under the law[24]


Your repentance confession and testimony is found to be false testimony punishable under the law, as you rejected Christ in your thoughts, words or deeds

Jesus Christ have rejected you and if you wait till the day of judgement, you will be thrown into the lake of fire[25]

Although your confession out of your mouth is life in Jesus Christ, your own tongue will also condemn you then[26]

Remember what you have just seen with Coronavirus, some people have been exposed to the same carrier

Some got infected while others did not, it enters family but infect some without others, some die but others live

The authorities tell one model or plan today, only to be found untrue or not workable, like everything this season

The wise, intelligent and knowledge of man and their experts will continue to be proven to be foolishness before God

They will make their plans without God and God will foil it, deny God and He will show up; make Himself known to you

As was prophesied, God’s ministers had forsaken the words of God, He will teach his children, by signs and wonders

Platforms that had rejected God cannot control the message about God on their platforms, like a wildfire it took over

Those who used to be offended by the name of God could not help talking about it, God using them to profess his love

All of you that planned to rig U. S. election, block and dehumanize President Trump, the Lord have humanized him

His speech could not be enough, you rejected him but now you seek his help like nothing you ever thought possible

Your day is coming, all the nations and safe havens for criminals and their enterprises where stolen funds are hidden

Switzerland and their cohorts, who rejoice and plunder the wealth of poor nations and promote wickedness and evil


Your day is coming and all of you will be doomed, if you fail to reform and end your wicked and evil state and life

The proceeds of war industries, you who make war and live off the blood of humans and destruction of the good earth

Leaders who suffer their citizens with no hospital or healthcare but quick to run oversea for treatment, where are you?

You plunder the treasury of the people and share it among yourself, change your ways, for you day is numbered

Nigeria, continue your reform but in equitable manner or as prophesied years ago, you will let God’s wrath befall you,

You have seen how all the nations of the earth is occupied, you cannot fly to Queen Elizabeth or Prince of Arabia

No nation with which you have allied yourself will come to your rescue, or the LORD will curse them, as you have seen

If given a choice to live or die defending Nigeria, what will their choice be, they were warned and given time to get out

Oh! great and mighty Jehovah, I AM is your Holy and Righteous One and only LORD of Host, that hosts you on earth

Great are you LORD, God of Holy Wars, who without weapon, strikes a thousand targets, we see all that you shut down

All have seen how faithful, fair and just God is as both righteous and unrighteous suffer now in silence[27]

Both the poor and the rich suffer in God’s wrath but the righteous will overcome and liver forever[28]

Those entrusted with the sheep shall account for everyone of them and their stewardship to the flock[29]

Those entrusted with leadership will answer for each dominion, jurisdiction, and image and likeness of God[30]

Those who suffer the Prophet of God shall suffer the Holy and Righteous Anger of a protective God[31]


He is a jealous and loving God who loves His true servants and gave His powers to them according to their faith and will and God’s Will

He has no place to lay his head, rests wherever the night falls and worries not, but in divine providence[32]

He has nothing you need and wants nothing you have, like all God’s children, nothing to lose in this life

Oh my Lord, what a wonderous life, freely flowing like a river, living like the living-water you poured in him

Never tasty again and not hungry for the fleshly needs, full of your strength to overcome all things

How long will you let him drift like ship, tossed around by storm over the mighty ocean on earth

Like the wind that has no home, no one knows where it comes from or its destination but God

Through the Wind of Spirit you guide his free spirit to the truth, your words, and wisdom; of LORD; our Father

Land him to a town and place of your choice, build him a home, that he may raise for you twelve sons

And twelve tribes, each with special gifts, together we shall worship and praise you forever and ever

Children who will be obedient to you and eternally love you; in their praises and thanksgiving all day long

With air, string, skin and pipe instruments we will worship you my LORD and savior; my eternal Father

Forgive me for asking your permission to plant churches where your children will worship you in truth and spirit

Not that your prophetic, apostolic, evangelistic and all your anointings and gifts are not enough, but to do more

Oh my Jesus, I remembered what you told me about your daughter Alaiyah, my friend and all who love me


I could not bear the pain of what you said knowing that many will perish on the day of judgment as you told me

When I asked you about all these children and youth who never heard of you or do not know you, no one taught them

Will they be judged according to the Holy Bible and Will of the Holy Father, Jehovah they never knew?

My Lord, you said “Yes”, no exception? “the word is written, the word is flesh, the word is given.

The work is done, the will is given, the freedom and liberty are given, even the children of God will suffer

As was written, for lack of knowledge they will suffer, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.”

 I was only obeying your command before your departure, to take your gospel to the whole world[33]

It is very difficult to seek the things of the world and serve you Lord, cannot have both worlds, my Lord[34]

Open your warehouse and fill our warehouse with the abundance of your blessings here on earth and heaven[35]

Bless our works as you blessed Peter whom you told where to cast his nets so that we can focus on you[36]

Thank you so much for leveling the plain field of this earth, hopefully the world has learned your lesson

When the nations that united themselves against you is reached to the end, let me come to you Lord

At the holy mountain or place of your choice, I shall find you, to appeal to you to show your mercy and love

To my Father who never refused His servant, we shall plead for mercy, to remember his promises

He will restore all that was stolen from His messenger and all who love and fear the Lord our King and Father


Oh LORD, remember when your Holy and Righteous Anger raged, your rocket was descending to the earth

Great Asteroid big enough to dent and reshape the earth was undetected, but you shared your plan and why

I called on the Lord, my Master, the LORD relented in His Anger, and changed the course and curse of this planet

I see what is going on, no one is sure of anything and may never understand what happened this season

Who can tell us how all these people got this Coronavirus and how those that died were selected but you?

The Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end, creator and giver of life, no death is hidden from you

Your Angels and Soldiers are at work, and enforcing the rules you have set, and confusing the wise pf this earth

Lord we know there is not enough money in any nation to finance recovery of this devastation or continue recovery

Those who challenged you in their malicious and bitter actions, instead of gratitude for the abundance of your blessings

Are nothing but fools, as they are incapable of restoring your wealth and the abundance; we just had for years till now

We know that you alone were carrying America’s economy for the sake of this world; what is China without U. S.

At the right time, when next we meet, please consider my concern, and remember your people here

He will remove all who refused to repent and replace them with those who fear the God Almighty

His vengeance will be upon our enemies and all those who fight against the Almighty God, Jehovah!

Remember me your beloved, and all the great things and promises you had made for our nation and people


Please Lord, greatly bless those who risk their life to care for the Coronavirus patients, double portion they will get


Prophet Ebelechukwu Elochukwu, Archbishop of The Soldiers

[1] Genesis 1-2, God created all things by the words of His mouth

[2] Ezekiel 3:16-27, The LORD commanded Ezekiel to warn the people or the blood will be on his head, if they do not listen, their blood will be on their head.

[3] 2 Chronicles 36:16

[4] Numbers 23:19, God does not lie, because, He is not a man.

[5] John 17:6-26, Jesus prayed to God to protect and provide for his Apostles, disciples and anyone who will listen to the gospel and accept him as the messiah and did not pray for the world

[6] Luke 4:18-19, Jesus had set all people free and declared the year of the LORD, in which we are now, renewing us

[7] John 4:23-24, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. We are to freely give ourselves to God in worship and thank Him for His love in Jesus Christ; as a gift of life.

[8] John 8:39-47, Satan is father of all liars

[9] Psalm 50, Ezekiel 12:21-28, When the LORD speaks, you better listen or be destroyed in real time

[10] Psalm 136, Praise God for His love and deliverance from the wicked and evil people

[11] Psalm 20:6-9, God answers His servant and comes to his defense and that of His people

[12] Psalms 75:9-10, 112, God will lift up the righteous and destroy the unrighteous.

[13] 1 Corinthians 12, Roman 12:3-8, God distributed gifts to His servants to serve His children

[14] Jeremiah 11:18-23, God warns his servants of evil plans ahead of time before delivering them

[15] Psalm 91, God will save those who love Him and destroy the wicked and evil ones

[16] 2 Chronicles 7:11-16, by repenting and accepting Jesus Christ, we build a temple of God in us, and God will accept us as his temple

[17] 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22, Rejoice, thankfully and be happy in all situations—good and bad times.

[18] Matthew 21:12, around this season we are, Jesus Christ drove out money changers and rebuked false teachers in the Synagogue.

[19] Matthew 27:1-10, Acts 1:18-19, John 17:12, Judas killed himself

[20] Matthew 5:17, Jesus said that he did not come to abolish the law or words of the Prophets but to fulfill them.

[21] James 4:17, Ephesians 5:8-14, to know what is right and not do it or not speak out when you perceive wrong or sin is sin

[22] Leviticus 5:1, if you have knowledge of wrong, you shall testify when called to do so

[23] 1 Corinthians 13:6, If you love God and your neighbor, you do not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth (not rejoicing in sin)

[24] Romans 6:1-18, verse 1& 15 in particular asked that you must not because of grace continue to live in sin, let no one deceive you

[25] Luke 13:22-30, Matthew 7:15-27, many believers and their ministers will go to hell and their works will be rejected by Jesus

[26] Matthew 12:37, What you confess out of your mouth will convict you or release you based on the testimony of your spirit as written in the book of life on the day of judgement which is coming on an unknown time.

[27] Psalm 25:8, God is fair and just

[28] Romans 2:11, James 2:1-13, God shows no favoritism, he who is in law but breaks one law will be condemned for breaking all laws

[29] Matthew 18:10-14, John 10. Be a good Shepard instead of a thief who do not care for the flock

[30] Hebrews 13:17, leaders are to give account, submit to them when they are just. See Daniel 3, Acts 5:29, 1 Peter 2:13-17

[31] Psalm 105:1-22, touch not the anointed of the Lord and do my prophets no harm; true prophets, as heir of Abraham, from who Jesus descended in the lineage of David.

[32] Luke 9:58, Jesus had no place to lay his head so is his servant, living like Jesus Christ

[33] Mark 15:15-19 Jesus asked all Christians to become an evangelist and made promise of his protection to them

[34] Hosea 4:6, my people suffer for lack of knowledge

[35] 2 Peter 2:3-4, God has blessed us with everything we need on earth and for eternal life

[36] John 21:6, Jesus told Peter where to cast his net and caught so much fish that filled other boats.