The Soldiers Commandery


What in the World is Going on?

What in the World is Going on?


There has been talks and confusion about the messages that comes out of Vatican, Catholic church and other Christian denomination regarding some of messages of Pope Francis. You know that I had spoken out too when he is wrong or try to corrupt the doctrine we received from Jesus Christ of and the Old Testament and Epistles of the Apostles. Why should people who profess to be servants of Jesus Christ oppose Pope Francis's efforts to correct errors of his predecessors, even if it was made over 1000 years ago? If we criticize him when he deviates from the teaching of Christ, do we also condemn him for obedience to the truth? What is this? It is end time prophesies manifesting, it is all throughout the Holy Bible and I will be speaking out against this in a new series “Woe unto Fake Men-of-God… I hope it will encourage you true believers not to fear about the false teachings and those afraid of the truth, but encouraged because the Lord is with you all. Jesus promised to be with his church till end of time and you are the church.


Who are these people causing the groaning and pain to my Lord by rejecting opportunity to conform to the truth? They should be sent to China, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Nigeria and those nations where our brothers and sisters are persecuted and suffering so that they can have some time to pray to God about the needs of these hurting people and keep busy with service to the suffering, wounded, and may be then, they will encounter Jesus Christ and be humbled to obedience to the Lord's command and true traditions we inherited.


Many of you wonder and are criticized as promoting Roman Catholic doctrines or sympathetic to ungodly Roman Catholic Church and some of those in our church have criticized me for agreeing with some of Catholic doctrines. The only doctrine I agree and proclaim is that of God. There is one body of Jesus Christ.[1] Regarding the controversy about celibacy, there has been a tradition of priesthood before celibacy was instituted and that tradition married priests had longer history than celibacy. In fact, it is the requirement, as seen in the life of the Apostles; except those who willingly gave up married life to dedicate their life for Christ. I have cited words of the Scriptures to support this in the past. It has always been optional according to the Holy Scriptures and no man should be forced against his will into a formation that is contrary to several Holy Scriptures including first Divine Decree to mankind to go into the world to be fruitful and fill the earth. If a man chooses to give that procreative command as a sacrifice to the Lord in exchange for spiritual children, it should be of their own free will and not a conditional prerequisite to their calling.


All these divisions is not good for the kingdom. It is not about who is for Paul or Apollos. It is not about your ideas or tradition but solely about Jesus Christ. "For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere human beings?" 1 Corinthians 3:4.

It is blasphemous to grieve the Spirit of God with all these bickering and power tussle in so many churches. It shows lack of humility known of Jesus Christ and his disciples. The flock should not be put into a position to pick side on doctrinal issues for there is only one side-- Jesus Christ.

Where does any man-of-God obtain his or her authority and power to decree divorce—from the devil and surely not from God?

Jesus then left that place and went into the region of Judea and across the Jordan. Again crowds of people came to him, and as was his custom, he taught them. Some Pharisees came and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?”  “What did Moses command you?” he replied. They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.”  “It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law,” Jesus replied.  “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”

Mark 10:1-12

“It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” Matthew 5:31-32

When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan. Large crowds followed him, and he healed them there.

Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?”

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?  So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

“Why then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?”

Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.”

Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

Matthew 19:1-12

Do we not all have one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we profane the covenant of our ancestors by being unfaithful to one another?

Judah has been unfaithful. A detestable thing has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem: Judah has desecrated the sanctuary the Lord loves by marrying women who worship a foreign god. As for the man who does this, whoever he may be, may the Lord remove him from the tents of Jacob —even though he brings an offering to the Lord Almighty.

Another thing you do: You flood the Lord’s altar with tears. You weep and wail because he no longer looks with favor on your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands. You ask, “Why?” It is because the Lord is the witness between you and the wife of your youth. You have been unfaithful to her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.

Has not the one God made you? You belong to him in body and spirit. And what does the one God seek? Godly offspring. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful to the wife of your youth.

“The man who hates and divorces his wife,” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “does violence to the one he should protect,” says the Lord Almighty.

So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful.

Malachi 2:10-16

 “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” Luke 16:18

Anyone who said that he or she is a man of God and decree divorce is a liar and belongs to Satan who is the father of all liars. Even Moses in his greatness was declared by God that no prophet is greater than Moses. Deuteronomy 34:10-12, Numbers 12:7-9. Yet, the LORD did not spare Moses for disobeying Him by striking the rock with his staff, instead of speaking to the rock as God commanded him to do; thereby forbidden by the LORD to enter the promised land. Numbers 20:6-13. Therefore, these liars shall be forbidden by my Father in Heaven. God is fair and just. “But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.” Verse 12.

So, shall all these deceivers who corrupt the children of God with false doctrines and teachings be denied eternal life. False teachers will burn in hail, and the Lord Jesus will not save them. As he said,  “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Matthew 7:21-23.

May the Lord help Pope Francis and all true Servants-of-God, that God will give them sound mind and mind of Jesus Christ, to stop confusing and misleading the children of God that look up to them, even if they have chosen to forsake Jesus and the chair of Peter he occupies. Woe unto all fake General Overseers (Bishops) that work for the devil against the Will of God and His Holy Scriptures by forsaking the gospel of truth and salvation; plundering souls from the kingdom of God and preserving them for the devil. Any decree or instruction that is counter to that of God’s is null and void as God is the only Supreme law giver. May God have mercy on all of us and spare the world of wicked and evil people who will not go unpunished in Jesus name.

Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” John 14:21.

‘“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:9-12 (NIV)

Jehovah looks at those who divorce same way He looks at His children who forsake Him as the only true God to worship other gods. He is a jealous God. Exodus 34:14-15. God hates idolaters and adulterers.


When you divorce and remarry, you are an adulterer who will never enter the kingdom of God. Is it worth it? No! Be careful before you marry! "I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.

What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.” 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. "Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters. Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Corinthians 6:8-11


You hear the news and media promoting violence and hate for our people but you should not fall into their trap or you will be judged. You should respect the authorities when they are just and right according to the ordinance and rules set by God and reject them when they are disobedient to God. Honor and value human life above all things as God value you even more than the Angels. You see people threatening one another, do not join them in abuses and bullying of others. Many people cannot stand those in the authority and may have good reason to do so. The best is to remove them from their positions of power and authority. It is very easy for people to threaten our Supreme Court Judges to force them to allow intentional killing of another human being. Is that not what we call murder according to the law of our land? Christians should be careful what they support and donate their money and resources to promote because they will answer all their thoughts, words and actions. God in His words judges thoughts and all things. Hebrews 4:12, Proverbs 16:2, Jeremiah 12:3, 17:10, 1 Kings 8:39, 1 Chronicles 28:9, Psalms 44:21, 139:1, and 1 Samuel 16:7.


The LORD said, "“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1-2 (NIV). This is referring to people of this world, and you should search of yourself and see how much sinful you are and God knows all your dirty secrets but still forgave you. You should learn to forgive those who hurt your, even your own enemies and let God deal with them.

Should God, who is the Supreme and Divine Judge of all Supreme Court Judges apply the same measure you used in your threat? Please choose who Jehovah will spare! The Judges who repented of their murderous Acts and in remorseful penance and restitution reversed their Acts or the one that is unrepentant and adamant in rejoicing in such iniquity? It is a choice between life and death, and you should choose how you should be judged! You can only choose one!

The ones who advocate for killing of unborn babies and babies born alive are very free and capable of expressing their choice and free will over life and death. The unborn baby is voiceless and incapacitated as such person is sealed in the womb by forces of God in nature and nurture and cannot express their choice, free will and liberty of choice between life and death. Who do you think God will defend and protect—the unborn or women that kill the unborn in the name of choice, free will, freedom and liberty?

Any woman who enjoys the free will, freedom and liberty to kill her own baby, regardless of her rationale or reason of the human status of the baby is already in denial of who she is as a human being or her status of equity, fairness and justice among men. These women fights for equality, fairness and justice for all but champion denial of same rights to unborn. It is an unconscionable hypocrisy!

If such woman depends on another human or party to grant or advocate for rights already granted by God; the right to choose between good and evil—to kill or protect her own baby, she is not worthy of fulfilling life here on earth and worthy of no life in eternity with God; for she has blasphemed against the Spirit of God who created both the baby in her womb and the woman in His image and likeness.


She would have knowingly repudiated God who in His Most Sacred and Infinite Love gave sacred life to both, gave His life for salvation of mankinds, and created opportunity for redemption and everlasting life for those who killed such babies and repented of it. To continue or rejoice in such iniquity, wickedness, and evil will never go unpunished!


Freedom and liberty are not the same but complimentary to each other. It completes and fulfills each other. It is like two faces of the same coin or head and feet of a grown person. The feet carries the head!

To be free is to have the freedom and the liberty to enjoy that God given freedom, that is not infringed by any person but is unhinged by everyone and also the freedom of self-discipline and liberty to exercise restraint of own freedom and liberty such that others may equally enjoy same freedom and liberty one has and not be harmed by one's own freedom and liberty of free exercise of both. Whatever is good, fair, and just that the mind wills, the tongue confesses, hands, feet and entire body executes. That is true freedom!

God foresaw and warned us about dangers of FISA, He warned us about reauthorizing it without changes to safeguard our freedom and liberty. He was ignored and was reauthorized. God exposed the dangers in what you have seen in the past four years, yet some people in defiance wants to ignore the dangers. Who among you will call the name of God when the unimaginable happens? It is a republic, if you can keep it!

Prophet Ebelechukwu Elochukwu


[1] 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12

Philosophy of Reason and Rationale Without God is Fools’ Paradise: Gun Violence in America; Elizabeth Warren Should Protect Herself from Gun Robbery and Death.

Philosophy of Reason and Rationale Without God is Fools’ Paradise: Gun Violence in America; Elizabeth Warren Should Protect Herself from Gun Robbery and Death.

I had decided not to comment on gun violence anymore because there is no political will to solve the problem. I had written enough about this and had prophesied that it will not stop and will continue to happen until the people do what is right and just before God and man. I am commenting on this due to recent back to back mass shooting that caused waste of many human lives and continuous lying of the politicians to the American people and mayhem death of Elizabeth Warren will cause due to politization of it. Elizabeth Warren is hereby warned to take security steps to avoid armed robbery gone very bad and death. May be by the time you read this message, the politicians would have told many lies and moved on to something else; forgetting the human lives wasted by mass and single killers.

Three weeks ago, I had a dream. I was entering a city I have not been to before in America and saw people running everywhere shooting at anyone they see in sight that looked like an opposition. I was not shot at as I passed by each assailant. I tried to ask them what was going on but no one stopped to answer me as everyone was busy chasing someone. Surprised at what I saw, I insisted on finding out. A woman ran by looking for her children, shouted to my inquiry of, what is going on, “ go back because someone just shot and killed Elizabeth Warren as she was walking down the street.” I asked who, she said the republicans and now democrats are killing everyone they see. I turned around and drove back and everywhere I turn, there were armed people.

I dished my car and tried to find a place to hide but there was no hiding place as they were searching home to home. I asked someone in one of the adjacent streets who said that it started once the democrats went after a black conservative family of five and killed all of them, every conservative brought their guns in retaliation chasing after any democrats they could see, vice versa.

I decided to find out what happened, wondering how this could happen; that a republican will kill a presidential candidate in a time like this. I went to the scene described by the first respondent, in a highly volatile situation, only to be told by an investigator that she was shot by a drug addict trying to rob her as she was walking down the street to speak to the people in the community and they thought it was a political assassination. The officer urged me to go home, as it is dangerous; wondering how I made it there; stating that they have called in the national guards.

Please Elizabeth Warren, get extra security and President Trump, please protect her from harm because what I saw should never happen and it will not happen in Jesus name. Misunderstanding of robing and killing Elizabeth Warren, in an election year like this divisive season, will be disastrous for this nation and the American people. Please do not take this message lightly and do not fear or stop your campaign in fear. I have been praying against any harm to Elizabeth Warren in particular, among our leaders for three weeks now, since I received this warning, asking God for her protection until I can warn her of this coming danger to her life. Do your part because God has done His warning you.  Gun violence in America goes beyond mass shootings! It is caused by decay of humanity.

Just search for yourself! How many cities and states that implemented strict gun control have eliminated gun violence? They have not stopped gun violence. How many dies by gunshot every year in each city in America? What is the difference between people who kill their neighbors and innocent children playing on their yard or community park and those that kill many people in a mall or public gathering? All lives matter and human life is more precious than any interest or power or authority and it is the duty of every human to protect human life and properties.

The right to life is the first right from God and even the right to bear arms is to defend and protect human lives first. The right to bear arms must not be relinquished or you will be like Nigeria and other nations where their people cannot protest against injustice without suffering extra-judicial killings and violence from their government.

Every man must defend his home and family from attack, if government fails on that sacred duty to protect their lives. Any government who fails to provide the basic need of human safety has lost its legitimacy. Many governments around the world has failed to do that considering the level of violence we are seeing, even governments do the killings of their own people for political or religious reason. We keep hearing talks but no work to defend lives for political reason; including all violence to unborn human lives. God will not let these killings to continue unabated.

What will one notch approach do? First it was background check and right after that mass shooting happened again. Next, it was stricter background check, yet it happened again. It was bumper stock, yet it is still happening. None of these political manipulations has stopped mass killing, neighborhood killings, gang killing, and babies killing continues unabated. Why have these public health and safety and human decadence disaster continued unabated? All the politicians know the root cause but pivot to their political interests rather than doing what is legally and morally right, just, and fair. We cannot be like Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, and other third world countries where tens of thousands die without any concern by their leaders.

Your politicians keep blaming mental health as the reason when empirical research shows that everyone with mental health when treated lives a normal life, and better life than those undiagnosed and unrehabilitated rest of the public. I say this as a person with over 20 years of experience working with such population and driving policies in mental health treatment. Most of those with mental health disorder in treatment are supervised either in treatment or rehabilitation of one level of service or another.

Every professional and paraprofessional working with people with mental health is trained (as a requirement) to detect suicidal or homicidal characteristics or threats. Blaming the mental health of mass killers or all killers is false and a lie because the truth is known, based on evidence available in all studies of such population. The problem is lack of treatment and rehabilitation of those with mental health problem and duty and responsibility of parents, the community, and the environmental factors that trigger such psychoanalytic catharsis.

What we spend on mental health of Americans is only a digit percentage of what is spent on overall healthcare cost in America. (Elochukwu 2012). Many nations, especially, in third world nations like Nigeria do not believe in mental health and spend zero. To such nations, everything is physical or spiritual. They ignore the mind, which may be reason why they are mindless and produce thoughtless, wicked, and evil leaders. It is nothing compared to what is spent on somatic and surgical health. (Id). America spend so much on healthcare, more than every other nation, yet less than 10% is spent on the health of the healthy functioning of the brain and the mind that controls every part and function of the human person. So, you are getting what we paid for.

No one desires to talk about mental health and the environment where these killers are bred, because, it involves talking about the cost and several levels of irresponsibility of the parents and care givers that raised or help them. At what point do you prioritize mental health of the American people, because doing so will also save more money than you spend on other health problems caused by lack of action in addressing mental health, including health barriers.


Most expensive healthcare disease like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can be significantly reduced by change of mentality of the American people towards their lifestyle and the burden of care can be steered towards those with greater risk; to discourage such risky behaviors. Those who indulge their freedom and liberty towards behaviors that burdens the public should pay more and bear the burdens of their free exercise of such rights to behavioral health risks and illnesses. If you break your mind or body, you pay for it, if it constitutes a public health and safety burden upon taxpayers.

When people have no consequences for their risky behavior, there is no incentive and motivation to change and stop such risky behavior. We have to be creative in finding solutions to invisible public menace. The police and the teachers should never be the public parents when the parents make little or no investment in the life and future of their children. These whole problems were worsened by people who formulated the policies that encouraged these moral dilemmas; for the purpose of controlling the people whom they have made so dependent upon the government.

The Church added salt to injury by abandoning their divine duty to love and care for their members. The good shepherd attends, provides, and cares for their flock. The thieves run away and abandons the sheep, when devourers show up. John 10. The church depends on government money for their programs and therefore corrupted to exert their divine duty to demand for justice and fairness as Jesus Christ did in Matthew 23 and John 18:38 (facing death).

Mental health should not be blamed for the gun violence or violence in general but lack of care and concern for human lives by the people and their elected representatives. We should blame the culture of death in the society, mostly celebrated by the people and entertainment industry who have trivialized death and numbed the conscience of the public towards these deadly behaviors.

I almost got attacked each time I tried to break up fights in Baltimore by the neighborhood adults who surrounded the children fighters to watch them to see who will win. For poor people who could not afford to MGM to watch professional fighters, it is entertainment and humiliation that causes malicious retaliation and bitterness within those who are publicly humiliated by such inhumane treatment. We see that happening more often across the country in public discuss and square.

We should blame those in our society who think that any form of taking of life is a right, freedom, and liberty is for them alone; regardless of whether such life is born or unborn. The media shall bear the most blame. Blame those who make a hubby and game out of death culture, whether in real person or digital gaming. If human life is sacred and treated as such as was the norm of every civilized society, people will rethink taking such action as to cause another to die in their hand or weapon; no matter how aggrieved or malicious they are. Do not blame the gun, blame the shooter and blame yourself for doing nothing to end this culture of death!

Does gun have legs or hands to pull the trigger? Does gun get up and drive 10 hours or walk to a public gathering and start shooting people? Does gun have brain or mind to plan for an attack? Does the body plan violence and execute it against the unborn in the womb or innocent children? All violence took some thoughts, planning, and work performed by a human person living among people in the plain site.

People say, no one saw it coming, because no one wanted to see or cared to see or may be people need to be trained to know the signs and take steps to prevent it before it becomes lethal. Humanity has lost its human nature and nurture. People have lost love among themselves and others. People will read mass shooting story and dismiss it or take the lead to pursue their own stories without reporting how terrible such behavior is; blaming gun and making the gun eviler than the person who committed the heinous crime excuses their evil deed and turns the evil doer into a hero.

By your dramatizing and cerebrating the mass killers as some kind of holy crusader; turning them into a hero, you set bad example for others like them. What good is in turning evil doers into celebrities? Why then do you wonder why they like to die a hero? Why do we have people bowing out of life without self-worth or sense of purpose in life or value for their life or life of others? What will make a person give his own life through or for a violent cause? Questions are meant to be asked so that solution can be provided but asking questions you already know the answers proffers no further discovery.

Human being are social beings and these kinds of mass killing is forcing people to be indoors and will breed more worst killers and create difficulties in getting needed help to prevent more future occurrences. Few weeks ago while visiting Baltimore on a mission, I ran into people who left their job out of fear of being shot in the street they work du to frequent shooting and killings. It got to stop and let our people be safe to exercise their freedom and liberty to life!

God cares about human lives and forbids the taking of such life. Exodus 20:13. Whoever takes a life of another shall be put to death. Leviticus 24:17. The names of these mass murderers should be forbidden to be mentioned in any public filing or to be released to the public. We should take stardom out of such act, avoid making them a martyr no matter the cause and shame those who support such heinous crime. Parents who neglect or abandon their children should be held accountable.

If physical health is ignored and left untreated by a parent, school or public servants who witness it can call protective service, but very little is done about neglect to mental healthcare or lack of parental discipline. That should change. I had warned about these kinds of outcome about a decade ago, when government usurp the parental right to raise their children or interfere with it, to such a degree that parents are afraid to raise their children for fear of losing parental care, it creates indiscipline within the family and larger society.  When moral decadence is promoted and in the name of freedom and liberty, we let all kinds of conduct become the norms of the society, both the people and their society become uncivilized. Proverbs 18:19, 23:13, Genesis 18:19, Deuteronomy 6:6-9, 18:19, 3 John 1:4, Hebrews 12:7-8, Psalms 34:11, and Ephesians 6:4.

People are product of their own environment. We live and celebrate the culture of death, which I had warned will come to this; over a decade ago. Truth hurts some people and when leaders build its leadership principles upon false premises, it will crumble at some point and they will have to either confront the inevitable truth—which is a constant or face their own calamities. For centuries, some European philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche and leaders concocted some fallacious doctrines and theories that God is dead.

Even Nishi Amane, fascinated by western philosophers took many western idealism into Asia; among many others (directly or indirectly). There is no doubt that there are great many things in western civilization and be assured that many good are produced in it. However, the worst that is killing all its good and greatness is the idea that God is dead. As you have seen in the past few years, as ever, God is alive in you, in all things He created and cares about you, your affairs and that of the worlds He created. You cannot have your ways now because God is telling you, Hello, I AM WHO I AM. I AM JEHOVAH. I AM ALIVE AND WELL. I AM HERE AND IN CHARGE AND NOT YOU!

The idea that the best form of government is that which is divorced from God and whose systems and institutions are completely separated and void of any form of religion or religious faith in godliness, and such as absolutely established upon the doctrine of sound human reasoning and rational mind—a reasonable person’s intelligence; is evil. We have seen how godlessly our societal norms disintegrated tens of thousands of human history, that was built based on the search for the truth and boldly and proudly replaced it with unstable history of trials and errors that is continuously reversing the quality of human beings around the world. What a cycle of debate on relativism and realism!

On the contrary, American system of government is such that removes government completely from any act that interferes with free exercise of religion or conscionable relationship that is between its citizens and their God. This same principle of God given freedom and liberty protects those who choose not to believe in God or believe in whatever they want and not limited to those who believe in the supremacy of human thoughts, reason and rationale. Separation of state and religion does not mean assault on religion as we witnessed in the past decades, and U.S. Supreme court affirmed it in many occasions. For this exceptionalism of religious freedom in America, God endowed it greatly.  

This belief in propagating ideas so divergent from the truth, so long as it accomplishes a particular goal or objective, no matter how evil it is or far from God’s truth, has played into the cognitive ability of human mind to think evil always. Genesis 6:5-6. The LORD had called you to end all evil, dismantle all structures of violence in our land, remove those in this land that perpetrate, promote or maintains laws, policies and institutions that are inconsistent with our social contract, and tear down anyone or structures resisting against our freedom and liberty to govern ourselves as God’s nation. This is a command from the LORD! Where the Holy Spirit is, there is liberty.

Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:15-18, Galatians 2:2-5.

To achieve the command of the LORD, we do so with compassion, kindness and love and not hatred. We must not for the sake of pursuing any particular goal or objective start killing each other because God cannot contradict himself by supporting anyone who breaks His commandment in order to obey another of His Command. All God’s command compliments each other and sanctimoniously and harmoniously work together for the good of all His children.

Every thought, word or action directed towards enforcing a sanctimonious and harmonious work or command of the LORD has to be based on faith in order for it to be enforceable and accomplish the desired outcome. Its manifestation is the proof of God’s definitive and everlasting Will or Satan’s will in a very limited circumstances (for the disobedient ones opposing God’s command until God’s overpowers them—like Pharaoh’s magicians).

The manifestation can only be distinguished by discerning the specific characteristics and its enduring end. The ultimate goal and objective shall be in seeking God’s will and His power and proof is greater and will always diminish every others’. God’s will always overcome and become that which God had willed. Even in mass shooting and gun debate crisis, God has the final say.

Gun violence, as theory, research, and practical ideologies and sentiments divergently mounts. No one should excuse such act from such actor because it involves taking of another human life which is irreplaceable and no man can create or recreate it. Whatever goal or objective the termination of another life is meant to accomplish is stained with blood and must be rejected. Even if killing of a human being is offered as human sacrifice to a cause or whatever human need, it must be rejected because God offered the last human sacrifice when He offered His only begotten son; Jesus Christ to die for our sins.

So, in finding some answers, seek your meaning, rational and reasoning from the evil alter in each shooter’s temple within him or her—an embodiment of the human souls and mind from which such evil plan is designed and executed. The evil alter inside the shooter’s temple is where the cause of killing another human being lies. Such person’s soul is afoul and corrupted. Where such a person rejects redemption, having offered opportunities to the person to redeem himself or herself, he has left the people with no choice than to send him or her to the place where he or she has chosen to die forever— such person has not only rejected God, he or she has forsaken his or her own life, freedom and liberty and has killed himself or herself by his or her own cause and effects.

In shooter’s manifestoes or thoughts lies the human rational and reasoning upon which such evil act is justified. Hitler was once and to a lot of people a rational and reasonable man, if not, so many people would not have believed in him to support his crusade. If he was rejected, his ideas of humans would not have seen the light of a day. His ideas would have died a natural death before it harmed so many. So, those who engage in these shooting were seen by someone and have been encouraged by someone or ignored by someone who see the signs but took no action to stop it, those who see the loss of human lives and make excuses for them and blame gun only. Killers always target unsuspecting innocent people who are victimized because they are not like the shooter and are vulnerable.

Killers always target those freely exercising their God given rights, freedom and liberty whether in worship of God or movement or enjoying these privileges and appurtenances. We have not seen shooters going to a meeting of evil and wicked people and killing them all, and not that any killing or taking of any life is a worthy cause, because such evil life may be rehabilitated and actually be saved to save others. As Christ said, a house that is divided cannot stand and so evil spirit cannot drive evil spirit away. Matthew 12:22-32. Evil ways do not drive evil ways out of any society, instead, they complement and encourage each other. Let good people encourage and support each other in unity of one spirit with God and drive out bad spirit from among them. We the people have a solemn duty to protect the innocent and vulnerable from the harm before them. We have a solemn duty to treat and care for the sick and the elderly, starting with your family.

The primary purpose of our government is to protect all the God’s children (including sinners too) from pain and suffering from the evil and wicked people within our society, so that God’s children can enjoy the free gifts from God and also punish the wicked and evil doers consistent with God’s command that no wicked or evil doers will go unpunished. Proverb 5:22, 11:21, 17:15, Psalm 28:4, Job 31:3, Hebrews 9:21, Isaiah 13:11, Ecclesiastes 8:11.

We do this through our self-governing by self-representation in three equal branches. Those who repent and change their ways are rehabilitated, then mercy is offered in readmittance to our civil society. The divine principle of limited dominion, limited jurisdiction, and limited image and likeness of God is granted to government and its agents in the form of limited powers and authorities and never as a right.

The right is an exclusive property of each individual member of the society who collectively exercise these rights in choosing those that represent them. If our government fails to protect us from harm, we failed ourselves because we put them there. If your complaint is not addressed, change them and find good ones and if they betrayed you, punish them so that they do not do it again and deter your replacement from doing the same thing again. Truthful and peaceful means is required for a lasting change. Christ showed us that as an example and it is in that men and women of law enforcement sacrifice their lives daily and should be honored! Bad ones among the law enforcements are worst evil than all evils!

As it relates to gun violence in America, it continues because of dishonesty of your representations (you own the representatives) and lack of action on your part to end the violence. You are your representative and responsible for all the killings going on. When complaint is stuck in same theories, research and practices that have not produced desired outcome, it will never produce desired outcome. You are doing the same thing over and over each time there is an act of violence. It is not just gun. It is the same in all acts of violence.

Just look at the current disputes, controversies, and conflicts! Look at every wall you have built between all the tribes to separate them and keep them away from each other and the freedom God had granted them. You must not be divided and separated, instead, be united! Unity will not happen without lots of work and good deeds. Too much works were put into dividing and separating you for so long. These divisions and disunity are continuing by all means necessary.

It is not the immobile, stagnant, destructive machines that is the threat to your children and families or dividing your society. The threat is the human, whose thoughts, words, and actions is corrupted by the thoughts, words and actions the person allowed to get inside of his or her soul to control his God given ability and gift of self-control already giving by God to enable him reject such thoughts, words or actions and do good in love of God and fellow man. 2 Timothy 1:6-7. It is your failure to be your brothers’ keeper and love your neighbor as God loves you. These shooters live among you and with you, yet they are invisible until they become visible by taking your lives. I speak the truth to you! Matthew 22:36-40, Genesis 4:9. The spirit of Cain is in the world. To remove the actor and blame gun and mental health is a very bad example and forming a new societal norm. You should look at the root cause of gun violence.

There is a cross section between human and gun factors in the rising mass shooter and gun violence in this great nation. At the intersection of human being and gun axis is the root cause of the violence, which must be addressed, if you desire the violence to stop. If this is not addressed, the shooter incident will not only continue but it will increase due to the role of human reasoning and rationale that justifies and drives public discussion regarding the subject.

There is competition over which theory or fact or practice drives the desire for some people to resort to its use as means of getting to national prominence or toping the chart, regardless of the suffering of death it carries. Human reasoning and rationale that stimulates anyone to take such kind of evil and wicked murderous act is risk averse to God’s. It is what God said it is in Genesis 6:5-6. The philosophy of reason and rationale as the sole principle of organizing a modern vibrant society is also risk averse to God’s and His dominion, jurisdiction, and image and likeness doctrine.

The truth is that there is no risk in welcoming God but on the contrary, veritable risks await those whose reliance are solely on reason and rationale principle because they reject God and God rejects them. In the wake of the declining popularity of reason and rationale principle across the globe, it is understandable why people use the same principle to frame issues that create conflict and security instability in order to retain their dominance and jurisdiction over people with very poor image and likeness of God. Such creative technologies only play in the like mind of very unstable, insecure people with also very poor image and likeness of God.

As it is now, brain wash leads to brain freeze and equals to brain death. Just look at some of the decisions that come out of your judiciary—sound decision of judicial reason and rationale it is always as a matter of law; right? The standard for a long time had shifted like a moving target—just like racing thought. Try shifting a goal post in NFL or NBA game and see if you can win without a conflict and sometimes violence in the game. Yet, this is what many people are doing for whatever purpose.

Therefore, do not be fooled by leaders who are lying to you about their gun control because they are just placating the wounds until the next shooting incident, and next, and next. When it continues, you will run out of fake gun control measures. No matter how much your politicians lie to you about their plans for gun control, it will not happen. No matter how they manipulate different factors of gun control e.g. laws, guns features and so on, the cross-section can never intersect at the zero of X and Y axis, because, the U.S. Constitution has a rigid limit to the extent it can be manipulated without violating it.

Without offering any legal opinion, the constant at which point, when political leaders exceed it, it becomes a violation cannot be shifted and any operation within the safe margin of error will have no effect upon the level of violence that is coming. That is why cities and states that operate within this gun control axis has not achieved any success ending gun violence, including places where the constitutionality has not been challenged. What will the politicians say to the American people when the next shooter incident occurs? What about next? And next? And next? Making promises you cannot keep is a lie to the people and carries consequences. Since I wrote this on a piece of paper, two more mass shooting has taken place and I know there will be another one and more to come.

The only neglected factor that will make a big difference is manipulating the intersection of the cross-section of the X and Y axis—the cause and effects. Manipulation of the American people is the other factor often used to buy time till the next gun violence. Human being kills people and not gun and these human beings are your children and they live in your neighborhood and you raised them. When your children which you raised turns around and kills you, you suffer the effects of your failure to raise your children in the fear of the LORD so that when they grow up, they will not depart from it. It a curse that a person will turn around and kill his or her mother who brought him or her to life and raised them to do such despicable thing. Yes, I know about mental health which you cling to. It is the kind of love and care you provided to them that they are giving back to you. Pay attention to your children when they are young. Love conquers all things and heals all wounds.

The society or community affected also suffer the effects. Invest in the quality of human being in your neighborhoods and environment and you will reduce the mass shooting and protect human lives. It does not mean throwing money around but implementing policies that empirical evidence has shown that works. You do not find this problem among people that fear God according to the principles of the truth—that is God. Have you heard that a practicing born-again or believer of God (not just someone who goes to church or Synagogue) has done such evil by killing another? Yes, in protecting their own life or family they will.   

So, God and godliness benefits the society and His principles are risk free to the public but risk averse to the believer because the world hates believers. While reason and rationale philosophy are a gift from God, the former is dependent on the later and are in conflict with the later. Reason and rational philosophy should honor its creator and gifter—Jehovah. So, all the disputes and conflict about both systems is only man-made up conflict by those who has complex bias over the supremacy of giver of all good things to man.

Intellect is a gift from God which all mankind should ask God who gives willingly to all that ask Him according to His wish and will. People who has received the gift shall use same to serve themselves, others and God and not to attack God and His children. If you do not believe that, keep making your plans and preparing speeches to make at each response and make your new laws and see if it will work. You can keep mocking “some people” for not having “voice of reason” and see if shaming and name calling can make any difference. You need a long-term plan instead of a crisis response plan to each incident.

Every day on the average, I visit at least some people in our society, mostly people with mental illness, youth, and elders to help them make appointments to see their psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist community support workers, case manager, primary care doctor, surgeon, nurse, dentist and linking them with community resources. I always take people to hospital or to receive care as needed and there is nothing more fulfilling than that. I have done this for over twenty years and I have not seen one that acted abnormal while under good care and love.

Even those who have been rehabilitated (About 8 weeks ago, I ran into some people who we rehabilitated over 10 years ago), those who were children then are now adults with their own children and are still doing well. Everyone I ran into in the street are working and happy with their own family. Mentally ill do not go around shooting people unless they are ignored or neglected. Blaming mental illness is the same excuse and lies they have been told to you for so long.

I have seen how parents abandon and neglect their children but expect them to take care of them when they are old. I have seen parents who had taken care of their own children and these children became successful and abandoned their parents without care or dump them in nursing home for no just reason. I have seen children who wished their parents dead and those who desired or abused their parents at their vulnerable old age so that they take over their properties. These are the evil work of man against one another. It is the duty of government and for the sake of public utility to protect these vulnerable population.

Severe Greed Culture Angers God

One thing is common to all these groups of our society; selfishness, greed and lack of fear of God. These kinds of people will not care for their neighbors. It happens because they do not see God in themselves or others and therefore do not care or love like God loves them. Healthcare and human resources are very complex in America and around the civilized world and requires professional help in understanding and navigating the huge webbed complex network of care. Those who are frustrated and stressed by healthcare challenges give up without encouragement. District of Columbia has developed a fair system which duplicated across the country will be a paradigm shift—I mean fair not excellent; still need some work to become an excellent system. I sometimes wonder how they afford to have all these resources while other localities complain about funding. Education is also a barrier a healthy and vibrant society.

Average education in America is high school and most minority can hardly read and understand beyond elementary or middle schools. This level of education is worst in other nations around the world. Yet, the general populations are overloaded with information they cannot process or understand without help. Information overload will not change but will get worst. Hence, media and press has abandoned their traditional roles in the society and has become a propaganda and partisan outfits, we need a new form of information dissemination and orientation of the people regarding what is going on in our society and how to make healthy choices regarding their life. Proper education of the people is the key to a progressive society and illiteracy and ignorance destroys any civilization.

American people provide legal defense to suspected wicked and evil people to ensure their right to freedom and liberty. No defense is available to the life of the innocent in the womb of a woman who decides to take their life. Innocent family members of citizens whose life is abruptly ended and deprived of enjoyment of his or her freedom and liberty and benefits that could have accrued to these family members is unaccounted for. A resident who used his or her life savings to pay for college education for their child, whose life has been taken by a killer has to pay for crisis intervention like counseling, is deprived of his or her savings or loan invested in the individuals killed, go through enormous cost, pain and suffering trying to find closure. There should be victim fund to help these families whose loved ones are massacred. Even those who have money for civil suit, spend their money and may not get any restitution. American people suffer multiple loses that is very devastating to the survivors without solace and comfort.  

A person can never exercise any God given rights to freedom and liberty, if his or her life has been taken by another person? You ought to protect their life first, then, their freedom and liberty in that order. What will a person who is dead do with freedom and liberty and what good is that fight for such freedom or liberty to the dead? It is medicine after death. It is a preventive approach to save the life of a person whose life would have been taken by the wicked and evil man; whose life is also, eventually after exercising all their due process rights, is taken; in paying for the life they took, unless they repent of such evil and wickedness. You shall save both lives by preventing loss of the first life.

In order to have an effective and efficient preventive measure in place for a progressive society, there must be effective and efficient systems in place working together for the good of humanity and not for its destruction. Such systems shall work in synergy to remove all barriers of progress and human development. Humans are byproduct of their own environment of which they are part and parcel of it and cannot deny their involvement in its decay. People have a divine duty to protect each other and their environment from harm. Loving your neighbor as you love yourself is the best way to love yourself as you love your neighbor and protect your environment.

If you love yourself, you shall love others. If you love where you live, you shall love other places around where you live. This way you collectively love the entire planet and people who live in it. You have to overcome all man-made barriers placed in your way and you shall help to tear those barriers down instead of leaving them for those that come behind you. By your action you pave a barrier free road to freedom and liberty of actions towards a common purpose for all people.

Most of the barriers or conflicts you find in every society are cultural or ethnic and you have little or no trend setters as you use to have, mentors and support are rarely available to our families due to lack of funding for programs that support our families and communities, which are rudimental foundation of a vibrant society. If you look around you, you find systems of human destruction for personal gains. Even good things and inventions of great human achievement and progress are surrounded with some kind of destructive incentives. Individualism has overshadowed collectivism.

Individualism and collectivism should not have destructive tendencies around them and requires a reset. There are consequences when good Samaritan principles that had endured ages of time is frowned upon and replaced with carefree and neglectful outlook towards human pains, suffering, and life. It is entertainment to watch people kill each other or fight with each other in our homes and streets. Temporary solution or illness management or recovery therapy must never replace enduring and permanent cure at the expense of human life while the corporations that invent or produce temporary therapy enjoy endless profit and benefits. Instead, all recovery or temporary remedies shall serve as a prelude to a permanent cure targeted at the root cause and locality. We the people have responsibility to all the ills of our society.

No one can say authoritatively that the current human decay and very low quality of mankind that have overtaken our society today has nothing to do with lack of fear of God and respect of those whom God had granted limited dominion, jurisdictional power and authority, and the general gift of life in the self-image and likeness of God; starting with family life. Look at the status of family in every society of the world and you will see the result of its decay in the larger society. Children have no respect for their parents and adults have no respect for authorities; setting bad example for children to emulate. Look at the psychology of child development. 75% of what they learn come from what they observe outside their home. We the people cannot deny the cause and effects of social media used to transmit these diseases. We all embraced the technologies, use and share them without input on the policies that drive them—hence the congress has abdicated their duties as representatives of the people. In general, the world population is growing with decaying pain and suffering and very few people do something about this and even the ones who try to do something fair and just are attacked viciously as lions pounce upon their prey.

The truth is that the modern philosophical thought of whole and sole reliance on human reasoning and rationale is averse to nature and nurture. It is selfish and foolish! Look at what it has produced in the past one-half of a millennium. Look at nation states devastated by these kinds of wickedness and evil discussed herein. If you look 5,000 years behind us, you can see that the product of human thought has produced exact same human degradation and it took God’s intervention to bring mankind to rebound. The moment God turns His back and leave man to his own course to freedom and liberty, they fall back to the same path. Mankind thinks evil all the time. Genesis 6:5-6.

Look at different decisions that came out of the judiciaries around the world. Look at the actions and decisions of law enforcements around the world. Look at the decisions of the executives in government, ecosystems, institutions, and structures of organizing world societies and governments. Look at the press and media.

Look at your political leaders and the people that you keep electing to govern your affairs and life. Look at the guardians of your market, economy, social, housing, health, and political systems. Every decision that is made at each level within each system or locality is made by human beings, most of whom are from the same modern philosophical thought of whole and sole reliance on human reasoning and rationale, that is averse to nature and nurture.

Considering the availability of tools and technologies during each era, compared in context, your productivity today with that of over 500 years ago or any period or era in which both human reasoning and rationale compliment that of God’s. While there are tremendous progresses in terms of human achievement and technological advances due to availability of data and constructive use of human reasoning and rationale, without God to help mankind reject the bad byproduct of reason and rationale, the negative will destroy the positive outcome.

Compare the analysis, decisions, speeches and actions of all the powers and authorities mentioned supra and determine for yourself, how reasonable and rational they are for each period. Look at the leaders now and see how many of them are reasonable and rational. Why should the American people adopt the European model of society founded solely on human reason and rationale that the founding fathers rejected so vehemently? We should not and must not, to prevent the kind of decay experienced in Europe. America is a nation that was founded to love and care for their citizens, humanity and this great nation. Politicians led this nation astray. It is time to find your way back to your source because there is, the greatest power above all powers. We have to overcome the opposing powers that have misled us for so long.


There are Six Things God Hates: Change Starts with your Mind and Behaviors

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Proverbs 6:16-19

 As I sat in the park meditating over the words of God in 1 Samuel 1, a Caucasian family came and sat under the tree at 45 degrees of me; relaxing and talking. His 3-year-old son picked a stick that had fallen off a branch of the tree and hit his grandmother and ran out laughing. His father barked at him, “come here.” The boy kept running; laughing. His father chased him down and caught him by his hand and slapped his buttocks thrice. The child’s laughter turned into crying. “That was not funny and never hit anyone with a stick, don’t put your hands on anyone,” his father said. The boy’s mother backed her husband up and ordered her son to go and say sorry to his grandmother and give her a kiss. The boy did as commanded. With his father holding his hand, he walked him up to the other side of the table and stood by his son as he apologized to his grandmother.

The moment the boy’s father let go of his son’s hand, he started walking away towards the bush. His father thundered again, “coma back here.” His son ignored him and kept walking away; laughing. His mother, backing her husband up, shouted his name to the top of her voice, “come back here,” she said. The boy ignored her and kept walking closer to the bush. His father, then, chased him again and caught him by his hand and slapped his buttocks once. His laughter turned into weeping. The third time, the boy started walking towards the road, by the time his father caught him, he did not sit down anymore to chat with his family. He engaged his son in play activities that occupied his time at the park and there was no more incident with his son. His son got the attention he was seeking.

Is the boy appositionally defiant, disobedient and stubborn or was his parents neglectful in meeting the emotional needs of their son who was brought to the park with adults without any child for him to play with? If the child was emotionally sick, was it wrong for his father to discipline and correct him or should he have left the boy to assault his grandmother, walk into the bush or walk into the car road? While you think of your answer to these questions and short story, where is your own family? Where is your wife and son or husband and daughter? When was the last time you spent quality time together as a family? How does your family function as a family unit?

Many of you are so busy chasing after the wind while this man was chasing after his own son before it is too late for him to be saved. I tell you the truth, the son is like you and your children who though you heard the words of the Lord but hardened your ears. Even though, your Father Almighty, who is in heaven, thundered and called you by your name, you ignored Him and kept doing what you wanted, walking into the bush, unsafe roads, and harmful dispositions. As a loving Father, God chased you down to this earth and caught you by your hand. As he redirects you on the right path, you turned around and kept walking astray to the jungles of the earth, the more he spanks you, the more you falter away from the path He has set before you. You have become unrepentant as the boy and are willing to be disobedient to your heavenly Father or do anything to get what you want.

Now, out of His love, He, has caught your hands again, and standing up with you, playing with you, and showing you the way, you should go, so that you may grow in fear of Him. He is watching over your activities in the park called the earth. If you are this son who got the attention he was seeking, you shall seize your disobedient and maladaptive behavior to the truth. If you have ears, hear what the Lord had said, for the path of some of your ancestors were destruction but the path before you is life forever. Leave the past behind you, take advantage of the present call for a fair and just society based on love for yourselves and your neighbors, and chart a greater course for your future; with your Father Who had made you special in the beginning.

For those who still believe in the supremacy of their idea of human reason and rationale over that of God, I say to you, if you are right, you must be very certain that you are right, not trials and errors. If there is any element of doubt in your mind that absolute faith in human reason and rationale is flawless, then, you should be willing to hear the original flawless truth and cooperate with the truth source and His power. You should be willing to say to Him that you are sorry, make amends, and restitution for damages done to yourself and fellow human beings. You must let go of all negative feelings and emotions and have the capacity to forgive each other and forget your past. You can at least agree to disagree and in doing so, preserve human life and its dignity. Using human idealism that is based on human reason and rationale only confuses the general population, seizes their mind, and weaponizes them—like a remote controller.

In this age of now psychology, many people want everything to be done for them and do not want to do anything for themselves. These subsets of the society live on the moment and not worried about tomorrow. They rely on others to think for them, speak for them, do for them, and die for them. By living on the moment, they have lots of time which is not invested in productive activities but in idleness. That is very dangerous to the existence and survival of a person and any progressive society, as the devil turns such mind into his workshop. American people shall be engaged and their thoughts and mind shall be challenged to good thoughts and works, not to weaponize their minds. Freedom and liberty are useless, if it is under the control of another person or group of people or devices. Such freedom and liberty is not self-governing and certainly not sovereign—it is not solemn as the Lord had granted equally to all men. Such freedom and liberty are inhuman and inhumane and must be rejected.

The critical thinking which is a primary requirement of reason and rationality test of the philosophy of reason and rationale principle is absent in many of the “NOW” generation—for them, it is an abstract and academic element only valuable to a student and irrelevant in their day-to-day life. Absence of reasonable and rational mind, in times of stress test, is an evidence of its flawed reason and rationale; that it can suffice at all times and situations for all people; in the absence of God. Reason and Rationale is very important but it needs God which you have driven away from your society. It needs the truth which only Jehovah had provided in the beginning of inestimable time, before your philosophy of sole reliance on human reason and rationale as the basis for a vibrant and progressive society was articulated.   

The Church and Religious Defects

The cancerous nature of the principle of whole and sole belief in the supremacy of human reason and rationale and absolute divorce of God in the affairs of man and its estate entered the church and corrupted its leaders and followers. The magisterium started to replace the doctrine that the Apostles gave their lives in the footsteps of Jesus Christ to defend with their own reason and rationale-based teachings, ignoring all the warnings of Christ and his Apostles. Matthew 5:13-20 & 7:13-29, Galatians 1:6-10 & 2:2-5, Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Timothy 1:3-11 & 15-20, 2 Timothy 2:14-26, Titus 1:5-16, Hebrews 13:4-10, 2 Peter 2:1-22, 3:14-18, and Romans 16:17-19. The warnings had been consistent across all the churches of old and new and for both the Jews and the Gentiles. There are divine curses in the Holy Scriptures which according to Isaiah 55:10-13 must take effect consistent with Supreme spiritual laws over nature. So, do not be surprised at what is happening and let the leaders of the world know that what they are experiencing is real and God is real and the truth. Drive the greed out of the body of Jesus Christ that you oversee.

There is nothing greed cannot cause to mankind! The LORD hard said that when He is done with the world civic leaders, He will sanctify the temples he had established in all humans through Jesus Christ and drive the impostors acting as clerics out of His Church, consistent with John 10.

The Lord said,

Look at what the people are doing. They build and establish Temples and Alters for themselves and appoint Priests to minister upon their alters. They do these things in the name of the Almighty God and had forsaken the alter I establish in them. How can one whose Alter in them is occupied by the devil call the name of the LORD and how can they make sacrifice and offering to the LORD? How can I send them to shepherd my flock, when they were not called? Wolves in sheep clothing called themselves to deceive the world and satisfy their own greed and selfish desires. No man or king appointed Melchizedek and little did the world know about his beginning for the LORD choses His servants and establishes their offices as He had sent me to the world.

The LORD said, ‘You must not worship the Lord your God in their way. But you are to seek the place the Lord your God will choose from among all your tribes to put his Name there for his dwelling. To that place you must go; there bring your burnt offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts, what you have vowed to give and your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks.’

The LORD set aside the tribe of Levite without inheritance so that He will provide for them as they minister over His Alters. The LORD sent me, His son to minister to the world as a sacrifice upon His Alter in all mankind who believe and accept Him through me. As the Lord, before my return to heaven, I chose the Apostles. When the one that betrayed me, so that the words of the prophets will be fulfilled, was replaced, they were chosen by Holy Spirit. Look at what my people are doing my friend!

I asked, what about me My Lord? ‘I chose you before you were formed in your mother’s womb and for this purpose, to be my messenger you were born, for a time like this.’ He said. ‘I called Paul by myself. Who has called all these people claiming to be my servant? I will drive them away as I did in the Synagogue for the kingdom of God continues to suffer violence.’  

Oh, human beings and their greed and ignorance! We know that Melchizedek was a Priest of the Most High God and a king, Genesis 14:18-19, who blessed Abram chosen by God. Genesis 12. God chose Moses, Exodus 3. God chose Aaron, Exodus 4:14-17. When Aaron and his sister Miriam conspired against Moses, at the Tent meeting, God chose Moses over Aaron and punished Miriam for her rebellion against the anointed of the LORD. God called the Levites, Numbers 3, Deuteronomy 18. God called Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, Elisha, Samuel, and all his Prophets, Isaiah 6, Jeremiah 1:4-19, 1 Kings 17 & 19:19-21, 1 Samuel 3, 1 King 13 and many other places in the Bible for each servant of God. God call Jesus Isaiah 7:13-16, Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:18-24, 3:17, 17:5 and other verses. Jesus Christ personally called the twelve Apostles, Matthew 4:18-22. Matthias (out of those Christ had called to his ministry) was chosen by God to replace Judas, Acts 1:12-26. Paul was chosen by Jesus Christ, Acts 9:1-19.

All the people God had called, He called them directly and assigned them their portfolio and duties and place to perform their duties according the extent of their gift from God. The LORD said, “You must not worship the Lord your God in their way. But you are to seek the place the Lord your God will choose from among all your tribes to put his Name there for his dwelling. To that place you must go; there bring your burnt offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts, what you have vowed to give and your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks.” Deuteronomy 12:4-6. He repeated this command many places in the same chapter and other books in the Bible. Christ in establishing the Alter in the Temple in you said,

Sir, ’the woman said, ‘I can see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.’

‘Woman,’ Jesus replied, ‘believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.’

The woman said, ‘I know that Messiah’ (called Christ) ‘is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.’

Then Jesus declared, ‘I, the one speaking to you—I am he.’


John 4:19-26, 1 Corinthians 3:15-17, 6:19-20, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Ephesians 2:19-10, 1 Peter 2:5.

Human being as a Temple should not be misunderstood out of context. It does not mean that Priests and servants of God are irrelevant because when you gather as a Church, you are a flock that needs a shepherd. God still choses His servants to work in the vineyard of salvation. Romans 10:11-21, 12:3-8, and 1 Corinthians 12. The anger of God is against those whom he has not called to his service. He will deny so many who had called themselves or are appointed by man because he does not know them. Matthew 7:13-29. Such people who deceive the people of this world in God name was judged and condemned already. Mark 9:42-50.

No man or king or civic leader or church leader has any right or power or authority to choose any man or woman to serve on the Alter of God. If you have not been called and gifted to teach the words of God, you have no business, authority and power to do so and must not or else, you are a deceiver. Politicians now interpret and teach the words of God—what an arrogant and proud fools who has no regard for the truth in the Supreme Laws of God. God chooses His own servants as we have seen the tradition and characteristics of God. Stop appointing people to your evil alters in the name of God. You should not use the name of God in vain; for your own glory and greed.

The corruption and greed in places of worship especially those who like unbelievers, adopted the doctrine of superiority of human reason and rationale by taking the place of God in appointing and anointing men and women as servants of God. Those that did that in the Bible were worshipping Baal and other pagan gods where kings and men appoint priests and servants of pagan gods. The Church leaders has forsaken the LORD and appoint sexual predators, sexual deviants, robbers, and all kinds of criminals and ordain them ministers in the house of the devil in the name of the Lord. These people do not worship the One and the only true God, Jehovah. Their churches and temples are evil alters where souls are harvested for the devil and those that worship in such places are like their leaders. Where did you get your authority and where did your power come from? Is the body of Jesus Christ yours and is God’s temple yours? You have established for yourselves evil alters and like Satan your father, you lie to the people using the name of the Almighty God to deceive them in your greed and sleek enterprises. Those that worship Jehovah fear Him, are obedient to His commands and faithfully follow all the Supreme Laws of God. Hear what the LORD said,

‘Yet even in those days,’ declares the Lord, ‘I will not destroy you completely. And when the people ask, ‘Why has the Lord our God done all this to us?’ you will tell them, ‘As you have forsaken me and served foreign gods in your own land, so now you will serve foreigners in a land not your own.’

‘Announce this to the descendants of Jacob and proclaim it in Judah: Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear: Should you not fear me?” declares the Lord. ‘Should you not tremble in my presence? I made the sand a boundary for the sea, an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it.

But these people have stubborn and rebellious hearts; they have turned aside and gone away. They do not say to themselves, ‘Let us fear the Lord our God, who gives autumn and spring rains in season, who assures us of the regular weeks of harvest.’ Your wrongdoings have kept these away; your sins have deprived you of good. ‘Among my people are the wicked who lie in wait like men who snare birds and like those who set traps to catch people.

Like cages full of birds, their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful and have grown fat and sleek. Their evil deeds have no limit; they do not seek justice. They do not promote the case of the fatherless; they do not defend the just cause of the poor. Should I not punish them for this?’ declares the Lord. ‘Should I not avenge myself on such a nation as this? ‘A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?


Jeremiah 5:18-31

Men who were not chosen by God appoint men like them to man their own alter in the name of God’s because they serve themselves and their own evil alters of gods that is different from our God, for those that serve Jehovah fear Him and are obedient to Him and His son Jesus Christ. Servants of God follow the example of God and celebrate those whom God has called directly by ordaining and anointing only those chosen by God and rejecting every temptation to take the place of God in choosing those not called by God or appointing anyone by themselves—no matter how reasonable it may seem or rational the need demands. Those that serve the true God does not lean on their own understanding. Proverb 3:5-6. The Holy Scripture said,

But their idols are silver and gold, made by human hands. They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear, noses, but cannot smell. They have hands, but cannot feel, feet, but cannot walk, nor can they utter a sound with their throats. Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them. All you Israelites, trust in the Lord— he is their help and shield. House of Aaron, trust in the Lord—he is their help and shield. You who fear him, trust in the Lord—he is their help and shield. The Lord remembers us and will bless us: He will bless his people Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron, he will bless those who fear the Lord—small and great alike. May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children. May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalm 115:4-15

Kings and leaders that appoint men to minister on alters of god has no God in them because the gods are work of human hands and cannot make any choice. The features of its body have no life or function in it and immobile. Therefore, those pagan gods and unbelievers needs humans that established them to appoint men and women to serve them and minister on their respective alters. That is what many are doing out of ignorance in the name of God. Let all believers beware of such places of worship. You were warned. 1 John 4:1-2. Matthew 7:13-29.

China Trade War

The Lord spoke about China Trade War with America and it came to pass as the Lord had spoken. They want to choose those who can serve the LORD, on God’s Alter and how they should do so. Now, they cannot choose those who can serve them and bail them out of their economic crisis. How can man challenge God and win, who can take from the Lord and keep his own? No one can, as they brought these problems upon themselves. The Lord let them keep what is not theirs, yet out of ungratefulness, they wanted more and more. Greed is one of the things God hate most. Government is holding the wonderful people of China in bondage, when God had set man free.

Those who sympathize with China is with them in their greedy and sinful conducts. One or few nations or corporation cannot be allowed to suck every wealth from all nations of the world and turn around and lend it back to them with conditions to take more of what is left of them. How can God let that continue unabated? Leaders of the world and its economic powers should resist all forms of enticement and seductions from the devil—who is real and alive on earth. When China and so on sent their agents into the remotest of villages around the world and mass produce what the poor can use to feed their families and live a productive life in the name of industrialization and wealth creation for its people, it is greed.

When people begin to pursue money and wealth as their ultimate goals, they lose humanity and their objective purpose. It is like pursuing the wind as money and wealth are insatiable desires; so, they lose what they have. It takes humanity out of a person and the greed that comes with it renders the person useless and into nothingness. Wealth and money are a blessing from God to those who pursues solutions to human problems and needs in the passion and honest pursuit for solutions and resolutions in their care and love for God and His creations. Their blessing never ends and always increases according to the measure of their faith, belief and hard work. James 2:14 & 17, Mark 11:22-25.

A widow who used to make traditional Adire or Ankara textile in Yoruba or Senegambia land cannot make a living because China makes industrial versions of them and dumped them in African markets. Crafts made by the Amish people and local tribes of America and around the world are mass produced at noncompetitive prices and dumped in their locality; depriving so many their means of survival. What of the Aboriginal people of Australia or Serbians or Turks or Arabians who have lost their ability to live a simple traditional life due to hardship. Idle mind is a devil’s workshop! The schemes of the devil abound! Job 1-2.

Many of what is made in every nation of the world are made out of Asia without exclusion list; to protect vulnerable and weak economies around the world. Even though industrial production is cheap and makes products and services affordable to the poor, it would have been better if they let those people in those vulnerable and weak places to buy the products and services and sell them to their local consumers in order to make some profit to support their families. It would have been better to get permission before producing the patterns and prints of local textiles they make instead of faking them with gross contempt for these cultures and their traditional values. Their values are stolen and it disappears from them; losing arts and crafts they have held so dear and close their heart and people from generation to generations. Their means of sustenance is taking over by a great power and force beyond their defense into hopelessness and helplessness. For cultures that believe in nuclear family system, the economic policies of this generation are destructive to them.

Everyone has become consumer and not producer. This is contrary to God’s command for people to work and be productive in Genesis 1 and 2. When countries who are benefiting from Asian cheap labor industry and unlimited resources from the rich and wealthy who profit greedily in these harmful processes that increase poverty, pain and suffering around the world becomes unconscionable, God intervenes by sending His Angels and saints watching over the earth. He will take from the wealthy and powerful with greater force and distribute to the poor. New millionaires and billionaires will be made and millionaires and billionaires will become poor. He will shake up the economic infrastructures such that those at the top will fall down to their demise and those at the root of the tree to its branches still standing can climb up. He will take power and authority from those that has them and give it to strangers and people least expected to make sure none of them will claim that they earned it by their work, to demonstrate His powers and prowess. God warned about these things in my previous prophecies.  

Creativity and productivity found in God’s creation story is in every human being who is created in image and likeness of God. Any act by anyone or nation to rob mankind opportunity to exercise that characteristics of God and make their own living is evil and not of God, unless the individual decides to do nothing with God’s gifts and talents in them, it is also selfish in deed. Providing such opportunity to people is a divine duty and first purpose of which government is delegated by God who is ever governing all His creation.

If America and western nations are to produce everything they are capable of doing and everything they use, the number of purchasing power to buy from China and the rest of these second and third worlds that monopolize the industrial production will be drastically reduced. The industrial western nations have the capacity to use advanced robotics to make these things below economic benefit to any competitor but restrained themselves because it could wipe out every civilization progress available today and bring great misery to many nations of the world.

I remember appealing to President Trump (after a conversation I had with the Lord), to appeal to American fortune corporation to slow down the use of AI and robots in productions and services to avoid devastation of civilization and families who will become jobless and lose their self-worth until such time people are retrained. Governments and corporations were ready to jump on that as a response to China’s competitive disadvantage to western nations and benefit of machine tax. They were ready to dispense with human beings and replace them with machines. Such restraints are what God want from people He has blessed enormously, especially those with enormous power in any ramification. Greed leads to unconscionable conduct and leads human to grievous sin and angers God much.  

China can produce anything as long as you have money to pay without consideration for who is hurt in the process. To make things that is worth much less than a dollar and sell it for one dollar is a fraud and greed and not free market or profit. It takes the difference in value from such a person regardless of how cheap the product is or affordable it is offered to the poor. Even the poor has right and values fairness of business exchanges. To buy something cheap that did not work on the first use or stops working with short lifespan than supposed does not satisfy a fair exchange. It is a corporate greed and fraudulent practice. To buy material that is supposed to have 100% of its composition but instead has 75% is not the same value of exchange of goods and services of equal value. It may be good for those who profit from the scam or greedy schemes, but it is not acceptable to God. Proverbs 11:1, Deuteronomy 25:13-16. Equal, fair and just system of exchange is mandated by the supreme laws of God.


Corruption in U.S. Government

The American people are concerned that those who are found to be corrupt in government will be swept under the carpet and no one will be punished. FBI and DOJ and their ex-officials under investigation are going to be treated like good old boys’ days. The immense pressure on AG Barr to be team player and let the criminals go mounts. Do not worry because God sees everything and Angels and saints are watching every move.

Honorable AG Barr has done great work and is strong in his resistance but there is so much one man can do to systems that has been led astray for so long. Where is the drain the swamp campaign? Is there a law that forbids senior government officials from lobbying or working for same industry they used to regulate or associate with? In a city of rich connectedness, it is hard to get anything done right. Corruption, when deeply rooted and highly connected, even those who will stop it can be frightened. Only those with God in them can touch these kinds of people without fear or harm.

For those working very hard to clean up corruption in America’s system of government and institutions, good job and may God be with you all, and with AG Barr. For those trying to undermine the good work for America, you should first, try to dip your middle finger into a thick black or red oil such that the surrounding fingers are not soiled by oil. Then, make a ball of fist as if you are about to punch someone. Without actually punching anyone, open your hand as if to give a handshake. You will see that all your fingers have been soiled by the oil from the middle finger, spreading all the way to your palm and thumb. No one who sees your hand will believe that you only dipped your middle finger, and neither will the other four fingers deny going into the oil jar to steal some oil. Everyone can see that there is oil all over your hand.  That is what God will do to those who will try to cover up the ongoing investigation or fail to hold them accountable.

When you look at what has happened, the corrupt manner in which DOJ and FBI resources were managed in the past, how President Trump was treated, which Tech company will give the government a back door to their system? Why should they for any reason? They should not because it will violate the ethical code, destroy their business, and cause chaos in the future and fragile industry.

Every IT system security specialist is trained and in professional exams tested on skills to find back doors, block them and to never leave backdoor. Even Tech companies hire people to monitor coders and make sure they did not leave backdoors, especially during separation and have someone manning their official backdoors used for fixing problems.

A coder just rebelled by deleting his code causing the tech company not to renew their contract with ICE. Workers rebelled in Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and so on and they all cancelled their contract or refused to work with government. Tech coders, programmers, and developers are very scarce, and no such company will risk making them unhappy because one wrong bit is enough to crash the whole system or stop it from operating. It takes many teams and experts working together in collaborative environment to make these computer systems work. May be the Tech industry need such intrusion to rethink their violations and total disregard for the privacy of their users.

Hon Barr, what you could do is to adopt the kind of policy I wrote over 15 years ago. Tech industry is asking for regulations that defines standards they can uniformly follow. As IT specialist, I deployed a policy that if you abuse our system and use it in a manner not authorized or defined in our user policy or that is criminal, with a court order, we will provide your private information to the authorities and will do so even without a court order. Require the Tech industry to police themselves and look for those kinds of people you want backdoor for and make them report them and their activities to you. Tech company will find bad actors quicker than you can and if the process is transparent such that those that report this bad actors will not get in trouble if reported timely, they will stop covering up their mistakes and neglect and more people will whistle blow on such official conspiracy to cover up security threats and breaches.  Coders and programmer may be weird to ordinary people but they good ones are highly principled. My experience is that you cannot not code or develop system without being principled because every protocol or executory steps or command runs on certain logical principle that cannot be corrupted or the whole system fails. Hon Barr, develop a fair and just protocols with the Tech Industry, and they will follow it.  Prepare for resistance because we do not like being told what to do with our machines. This is because it is like their child and all their life is in their machines. Make the Tech industry report abusers to you and save your energy and resources for many fights ahead.

This is the same requirement placed upon the shoulders of doctors, psychiatrist, therapists, psychologists and healthcare personnel to report anyone with reasonable plan to commit homicide or suicide or that engages in neglect and abuse of minors and elders. The industry fought against it to the Supreme Court and once the court said it is constitutional, it became our settled law. AG Barr, can save his department money and human resources and issue regulation to Tech companies to report those criminals and threat-risk-users or face investigation similar to those done when healthcare professionals fail to report Abuses, Neglect and threat to life.

Facebook, after over 10 billion U.S. dollars in fine started fighting against using their system outside their policy, except that their facial recognition system uses are so creepy that they are worth investigating. What are they doing with all these massive data, what kind of research are they conducting, and which Internal Review Board (IRB) approves such research using human subjects and who sits on such boards, if any? What kind of security do they have to protect these private data?

One more thing, there is a movement around the world to recover the land given to the Hebrew people by God from them. What a foolish thing to reason and rationalize. They want to take what God had taken and giving to someone else. America should not partake in it and if the world wants to reverse what God had done, let them do so on their own and see what the LORD will do. The United Nations probably call the story of Tower of Babel as untrue. Genesis 11:1-9. They have been trying to build a utopian world where they can challenge everything God had said or established and play God themselves. For your notice, God had ordered UN destruction should they continue to challenge Him the way they have been doing and go in the direction they have been going. They should stay to their original mandate or they are closer to their own demise than anyone knows.


In conclusion, the culture of death has gone too far. The wave of violence that has been going on in this country and nations around the world has exposed how weak and disordered human being has become. Mass shooters show serious decay in human reason and rationale because their action is flawed, hence, nothing in them indicates normal rationale and reasonableness of any civilized being.

It shows lack of control or restraint towards waste of human life. Any man who does not fear God, will surely not respect any man or authority. It shows that religion, Judaism, Christianity or even other religion is not conflict with the secularism but a very important element of our culture that is very supportive to positive human development and civilized society. 

There is so much conspiracies going on around the world. A look at the similar conspiracy as was exemplified in the plots of Absalom who plotted to overthrow his own father. With all his lies, deceptions and fraudulent dealings and alliances, it took the prayer of a prayerful man after God’s heart, David, the great king, for God to turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness, for David to take back Israel from his son’s rebellion. In doing so, many people died.

The struggle to take America back from those that had besieged it will not be without a fight and people will die. In fact, the Lord had said, “There will be blood on your streets, blood of your children and their bloods will be upon your head…” Elochukwu, 2018, P. 133. It will take concerted effort from every peace-loving person in formulating and enforcing policies that will reorientate the people and redirect their time and energy towards positive development and productive life to change this cynical feeling of entitlements to evil, wicked and sinful ways.

Every God loving person should confront any form of intimidation, silence and cowardice. It is imperative to be obedient to God’s command who said “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-6. It is true and we have seen it at work.

Those that sought great wealth and power or operate in the corridors of power for so long thought they are God. They are devasted now because they realized that the real power is in the supernatural realms and not in the physical realms. The greatest of supernatural power is with God. He currently stepped in, rendering every power, authority, thoughts, counsel, and wisdom that challenge Him impotent, infertile, inactive, ineffective, foolish or useless. He is showing how powerless, unreasonable and irrational humans can be. Even many people with hypersonic brains are bewildered at what is happening in the leadership of the world today; including our own leaders and are ashamed of the unreasonable and irrational thoughts, words and actions of many. God is asserting His authority, power and prowess in the world He created. Humble yourself, and acknowledge Him and at His satisfaction, He will let you be the example He wishes for all of us on this planet.  

I once thought that my father was mean to me because he punished me for things I did not do and never heard him tell me that he loved me. Instead he always told me that I will not understand until he was gone and then I will understand what he has done for me by preparing me for the vicious world we live in. After his assassination, he was not even buried before I started to miss him, because what I experienced after his death. I wanted to thank him because it was until after he was gone that I realized that all those disciplinary actions were his own way of telling me that he loves me. Love is an action word, more of things you do than things you say or thought. Love is more than human reason or rationale.

If love is just only what you say, in the western culture, we often tell people that we love them and many people do nothing to show it due to individualism—a product of reason and rationale principle. Each time I was punished for doing nothing, I experienced what people could do and learned skills to deal with those kinds of people or situation. It made me an overcomer, a winner, and a victor and not a victim. Many has chosen to become always a victim and never a winner or overcomer or a victor. Do not be one of the former but be that of all the later. May God help us in this journey on earth until Christ returns for us in Jesus name.

Prophet Ebelechukwu Elochukwu

Archbishop of Soldiers of Jesus Christ & Apostolate Ministries

September 24, 2019

Last Updated October 1, 2019