Anyone can become a member by attending any of and continuing in our Schools, Ministries, and Clinics. Through our Schools we plant the seed of life in the form of the words of the Holy Bible, teach, and explain its meaning and applications in our lives (Spiritually and physically), practical and personal relationship between God and mankind's daily life, and discover the hidden treasures it possesses, and uplift ourselves to the most possible enlightenment allowed for us by the Holy Trinity. Through our Ministries and Clinics we continue to dig deep into the words, exemplify Jesus Christ, and manifest the miracles of which Christ has endowed us with the powers and authority to exercise. Those who wish to be our guest may do so. We welcome all; as Christ died for all. We hope that our guest will soon "no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again." 2 Corinthians 5:15