Belief Training School
Belief Training School
What is Belief? How important is it to believers? What do you really believe? This is a school where members are trained on the core principles and values behind Christianity, divisions within Christianity (Body of Christ), politics within the Christian body, lies & deceptions, Satanic attacks and its influences, Religious spirits, misconceptions and misrepresentations about Christianity, and its significance to our Christian belief, its relationship to our member's life, its characteristics, its meaning, and applications in our members' lives (physically and spiritually). What is the relationship between Belief and Believe, how does it relate to the Grace, Fear, Faith, and so on? Members are supposed to understand these things to become sure of what their true belief is. "my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. 'Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children."' Hosea 4:6