Office of the Priest Superior
Office of the Priest Superior

The Office of the Priest Superior is the highest office and general oversight of The Soldiers Ministries International.
Who is Ebelechukwu Elochukwu? He joined the Knights of the Alter (“Alter Boys” Association) at the age of seven (7). At the same age, he was made supervisor in his family business supervising others (daddy’s eye and trainee). At age thirteen (13), he became the chief Sacristan and President of the Alter Boys. He became the President of Boys High School (Middle & High) Osumenyi; in Nigeria. He was also promoted from health officer to the Lion Squad Commandant of the Man of Order and Discipline Movement of Nigeria; zone 5 Command. This paramilitary organization is a Catholic Religious Paramilitary Order that organizes youth and young adults, trains them, and promotes discipline, service, order, and charity in his original community and archdiocese of Onitsha. He served as Alter boy under Cardinal Francis Arinze and Pope John Paul II, before moving to Lagos City to attend Medical School in 1990. After first year in Dental School, he ended up studying Business Administration; after his father was assassinated for always fighting evil actors and defending the poor and weak from their oppressors. He went to dental school because his calling, desire, and passion to become a priest was conditioned by his father Elochukwu Gabriel Okonkwo, who insisted that he must complete a Professional University Education, look at the future and material opportunity it presents, and make an adult decision to reject such worldly opportunities with same passion and zeal to become a priest; to avoid disgracing him and the family (like those that join the formation and leave after being ordained).
His father’s death presented him with new challenges as the traditional head of the household. Dealing with family estate and providing for his family delayed his answering his divine call to serve the Lord. In his pursuit of multiple undergraduate, multiple graduate studies and seminary formation, he met several challenges which he was only able to conquer, overcame, and overtook by the grace of God. He is always victorious and a conqueror through Christ. However, no matter the trial, tribulations, and the temptations, he never forgot who he was, who lives in him, and his identify in Jesus Christ. Before he was anointed by the Holy Ghost and directed by the Lord to oversee these ministries, his divine calling was revealed to some people within the Catholic Church who asked him five times to join its Seminary for Priest formation and five times by different Pentecostal Pastors to join their Pastoral Ministry. Each time he was asked, he prayed to God for direction and the Lord said to him that he has chosen him and have set him aside as his Messenger; to speak His Truth as revealed to him by the Holy Ghost to the world, especially the leaders of His Church (all churches), the World, and every Principality, Power, and Authority that is of this earth, under the earth, and above the earth that is not of the Kingdom of God and government of Heaven. Jehovah is truly, a jealous God and has destroyed everyone who tries to harm this man-of-God or stand in his way.
Right from the time he could remember, he has been visited by our Lord Jesus Christ who speaks to him about anything he wants to reveal to him (Jeremiah 33:3). Even as a young boy being raised by his parents according to Catholic faith, great reverence, fear of God, and joining and reaching the highest degree of the Orders of Knights of St. John International and Columbus in search of deep things of God, he stayed with the Lord as close as he could and therefore enjoyed the grace of God, through Jesus Christ. Since childhood, he had always received messages in dreams, visions, visitations of the Lord, and prophesies. He didn’t understand what to do with the Dreams, Visions, and Prophesies he received then or knew what to do as that was not encouraged within his Catholic upbringing as a boy. Even as a member of Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement; his father being their leader in his zone, children were really recognized as active participants. Children and Youths simply do what they were told and make little contribution. A complaint currently expressed by many children and youth who feel drowned by the elders of their churches (all denominations), feeling unwelcome and lack of belonging. This is why as the Priest Superior and General Overseer of the Ministries of this Church, he encourages and support children and youth as the Lord said in the Scripture, that the children should be allowed to come to him (Matthew 19:13-15, Mark 10:13-16, and Luke 18:15-17). The children today are the Christian soldiers of tomorrow.
He first gave his life to Christ when the Lord came to see him and with more understanding when he was 13 years old. During the time members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement was kicked out of the Church for engaging in anti-catholic practices and style of worship, fellowship of the members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement was moved to his compound; rotated among the leaders with enough space to accommodate the members and not afraid of the traditional response of isolation of Catholics seen by the Church as disobeying the Dogma or the Church hierarchy. It was then that the movement split with one group forming the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement and not aligned and opposed to Vatican and Catholicism.
His biological father believed and told his group; among the rest to remain faithful to both the Catechism, remain active in the Catholic Church and belief in Catholicism because the group do not war against the flesh and the blood but against the Principality, Powers, and Authority, therefore we persevered. It was not too long before the Catholic Church agreed that we can worship and fellowship on Church ground; like school halls but not inside the Church. As the prayers of the faithful intensified, the Church withdrew its ban completely allowing members to fellowship inside the Church and for Priests to assume spiritual direction of the Catholic Charismatic Ministry.
Now, having escaped the traps of religions, having been serving as an evangelist for several years, been chosen by Jesus Christ, giving his life completely to Christ as his Soldier, The Spiritual Leader, Priest Superior, Evangelist Superior, Prophet, and Dominion Marshall Commander (Depending on which function of office he is performing), Archbishop Ebelechukwu Elochukwu understood from the beginning that the revelation and the calling he received came through our Lord Jesus Christ, because when he asked Jesus who he was, he responded by saying his name which frightened him but Jesus asked him not to be afraid. His visitations are mostly filled by instructions and teachings, and encouragement to follow his teachings and devote his life to him. The Holy Ghost also lives in him, manifests frequently, and he could tell the difference between both Christ's and Holy Ghost's Manifestations. As a child, although he could not tell someone about his experiences for fear of reprisal; knowing how the Church elders will react towards him, his childhood friend then knew but did not believe and his friend's father who saw the gifts, counseled him once about the gift he had, and to pray against any negative revelation about people; to stop its effect on them.
The Lord woke him up around 3.00am and directed him to get ready to go to the American Embassy in three days to get his visa, instructing him on what he should take with him for the visa. He followed through and miraculously was favored with religious visa. He was discouraged by friends, but the Lord has always had His way with him. When he arrived at the United States as instructed by the Lord, it was very difficult adjusting, but the Lord saw him through, even in the presence of all the temptations, trials, and tribulations. Like "he said to Simon, 'Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”' "...When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. ... Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” Luke 5:4-11 (NIV).
His businesses are successful. God blessed him abundantly. But it was time to fish for people. He is more than ever dedicated, devoted, and passionate about serving the Lord, his flock, and mankind with his life; winning souls and spreading the good news to every corner of the earth. Jesus Christ had instructed him that his Church (all true Christian Church) is holy, perfect, and he is with it until the end of time. It is humans who are unholy, spiritually dead, and allowed by his disciples like me and you to creep into the corridors of power and the Church to attack the mother Church; body of Christ, and his children. He that is defeated is defeated forever! It is up to mankind to follow Christ's way to heaven. Christ said, "That is why I have called you as my Messenger! As I drove the money changers and traders off my Father's house, so you shall drive them off with your confrontation with the word of God; the Truth as I am and will continue to teach you through the Holy Ghost. You shall speak the Truth to all man and to all the nations of the earth. With the same passion, power, and authority I drove them out of my Father's house you shall speak to my people regardless of their denominations for I have one body and one spirit. Fear not for I am with you and as long as you remain in me, I will remain in you and no principality, power or authority can overcome you. I have given you dominion over all of them as I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Whatever you ask of me, that I will grant you." Christ said, "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." John 14:12-14. Ebelechukwu Elochukwu's foundation for these Ministries is his way of acting on Directives, Dreams, Visions, and Prophesies from the Holy Trinity.