Office of the Supreme General
Office of the Supreme General
Supreme General is the highest administrative authority of the Ministry at global branch; according to John 15:1-8. Those who serve at this level are gifted according to 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and Romans 12:6-21. Additionally, they have demonstrated the ability to effectively & efficiently make those gifts operational according to their purposes. This leadership branch is governed by the Clerical and Spiritual Council. Supreme Trustees also operate within this branch. Archbishop Ebelechukwu Elochukwu is the Founder, Spiritual Leader, Priest Superior, a Prophet, and the Dominion Marshal Commander of all "The Soldiers Ministries." The Soldiers of Jesus Christ & Apostolate Ministries has three distinctive parts; the Spiritual Part headed by the Priest Superior, the Physical part headed by the Dominion Marshal Commander (General Overseer), and the Manifestation part headed by the Evangelist Superior. Several other ministries exist within each of the three parts and there are several offices within each ministry.