Dance Ministry

Dance Ministry

Law & Jesus Christ Authority: Matthew 21:1-17 (referenced Zechariah 9:9, see also verse 10-13), Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-48, John 12:12-19 (triumphant entry into Jerusalem).  Entrance hymns shall reflect the joyous entry into the presence of our heavenly father with our Lord Jesus Christ who lives in us with the Holy Ghost. Singing shall be for adoration, praise, thanksgiving, and worship. Member shall be encouraged but not forced to join the dance party for the purification of body, mind, soul and spirit. Only songs that ministers to this four element during each stage shall be allowed during services. Members that like to go to the clubs of the world where immorality and devil reign will have this alternative to express themselves before our Lord and not Satan. The dance will exercise and rejuvenate the body which is the temple of our Lord and will help to keep it healthy and strong for the work ahead in the week. As the temple of God, we must take care and nourish the body that carries our Lord. Dancing and singing also caters for our mind by purging it of the impurities it captured during the week. The ministration of the songs will help prepare member and place them in the state of submission to our Lord before the alter call for repentance, confessional prayers, contrition, forgiveness, and absolution from the Lord to whom all is petitioned and dedicated in prayers. Dance floors should be big enough to accommodate people who may come out of their seat to give them space. No immoral or sexual display of dance or dressing in the church or anywhere we gather as saints. Dance and ministry of music supported by 1 Chronicle chapter 25 and other places in the Bible shall be encouraged in this ministry.