Apostolic Letters Revelations
Hear what the LORD, Yahweh, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit said to me:
“Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the ward of Peter,
You were chosen to lead my Church by those who were concerned of this world, their ways, and to serve their interests, instead of serving the LORD your God.
Although I Knew you did not believe in me, I allowed you to be. Like a Father, whose son had gone astray, waiting for you, to acknowledge your God and serve him; so, that I may save you from yourself, and those around you. But you have continued to serve your father, father of all liars. You have rejected me and despise my words.
So, today, I have rejected you. You shall serve the devil your master, and I will remember every sin that you had committed from the day of your first sin against me, and against your fellow man, and everything that I have made.
Today, I curse you, and curse those that have made you, to speak those lies, that you have proclaimed from the day you were ordained by men as my servant. For I did not choose you. If I had chosen you, which day did I call you? If I had said, be my servant, what was your commission from me? If I have said be a priest over my house, what word did I use to call you? If I had said to you, oversee my Church, what was my authority to you? If I had said, serve me, and be lord over my nations, which anointing did I give to you? Every word you had proclaimed was given to you by your masters: Those who had called you to serve them and those that have accepted you to proclaim the truth which you do not believe in.
When had I spoken to you?
When did you hear me command you?
When did you receive my decree from me, your LORD, and your God?
When you received My Words, to encourage you, to seek the Truth, and come to Me!
Did you obey them, was it from your heart, and for your love for Me, your God and Maker or was it because you were told to do so against your will?
Today, you are cursed, for the rest of the life that I have given you on this earth, just enough for you to see and know that I AM, the LORD, your God, who have created all things and made them to be and nothing is made, except that which I have made, that, I have allowed to be, that is made of that, which I have made.
Any priest, any general overseer of the body of Jesus Christ, that, I have chosen and called for myself. Any human, who is my temple, in that I dwell, that listens to your lies and false teachings, and does as you have said, I shall depart from such an Alter, just as I have departed the alter upon which you preside in Rome. Anyone who teaches your false teachings, in whom I dwell, that I have chosen for myself, I will depart from him or her, as I have departed from you, and anyone who touches your life, before the time I have set for you, to know that I AM, the beginning and end of life, shall be put to death forever.
It is not one thing, so many false doctrines, you have professed, your thoughts are vile, and I hated them from the beginning of your thoughts against me and my teachings. This is a sign to those that make up their own teachings and their own doctrines. All of you that lean in your own understanding, and have continued to profess the false teachings, have rejected the Truth of God.
You shall be exposed, and every of your teachings be shouted from the roof top, to the mountains, to the valleys of this universe, that no one will say that they did not know the lies, and what the truth is.
That no one shall say that they did not know what the Truth is. No one shall say that they believe what is professed by men, that is not of God, for your sake, for there will be no excuse, for all of you will be judged and be punished according to your faith: Your thoughts, your words, and your actions.
I AM, the LORD your God!
I choose where My Alter will be!
I choose who is My Alter!
I choose the town where My Alter will be!
I choose who shall minister upon My Alter!
I give the gifts and the powers to do what I command!
For I AM the Sovereign LORD of all the sovereigns of all the earth, the universe, and all that is made and exists.
Because you have torn down my work, all your work will be torn down, like Josiah destroyed all the high places and their priests at Bethel and Samaria. Not one will be left. Anyone who memorizes you, will be cursed by My Hands!
No wicked or evil will go unpunished!
If I be silent too, like many who are silent, will I Be Fair and Just? If I have forgotten or fail to punish one who have rejected the Truth and rejected Me, will I be Fair and Just to the majority of the people, that will perish forever, who have listened to all the false teachings and doctrines and believed in them, and where, so, therefore, lost their lives forever?
I AM the LORD who has made you!
Tell my people these Words that I have spoken, so that those who believe shall be saved!
Galatians 2:2-5 (NASB), 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, 6:1-end, 2 Corinthians 6:1-end, 10:1-end.
Received January 11, 5.44 AM by Prophet Ebelechukwu Elochukwu, The Archbishop of The Soldiers!